Administration and innovation in Cyprus

Dimitriou, Timotheos ; Ellina-Shaili, Chloe (2019-09-06)

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Competitiveness – IJEIC


The article manifests the implementation of completely new innovative actions having as main objective the overall acceleration of the reform of Public and Educational Management in Cyprus. Both the Public and Educational Administration in Cyprus, are slowly being modernized, but at the same time the target that needs to be reached is the chronological acceleration of the whole process. Alongside, it is necessary to promote new, productive and innovative methods which will match the country's Administrative data and not simply be applied to Cyprus based on their successful implementation in other countries, such as the European countries. The European Union has therefore defined and implemented a number of procedures for its member countries while also promotes reformations aiming at creating an overall single indivisible policy for both the Public Administration and the Educational system across Europe. So far things are doing well based on the general implementation of the aforementioned objective, but on the other hand the implementation of these reforms in Cyprus encounters significant obstacles and difficulties, concerning both the size of the country and the working culture cultivated between Public Employees and Educators in general. The present study proposes new, innovative and holistic actions that will respect and serve the data and the special Public Administrative Structures of Cyprus which is a relatively small Country, as far as its size and population is concerned, with relatively low competitive indicators and financial means.