Browsing Articles by Title

Now showing items 65-69 of 69

  • Vision-Controlled Micro Flying Robots: From System Design to Autonomous Navigation and Mapping in GPS-Denied Environments 

    Scaramuzza, Davide; Achtelik, Michael; Doitsidis, Lefteris; Fraundorfer, Friedrich; Kosmatopoulos, Elias; Martinelli, Agostino; Achtelik, Markus Wilhelm; Chli, Margarita; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A.; Kneip, Laurent; Gurdan, Daniel; Heng, Lionel; Lee, Gim Hee; Lynen, Simon; Meier, Lorenz; Pollefeys, Marc; Renzaglia, Alessandro; Siegwart, Roland; Stumpf, Jan Carsten; Tanskanen, Petri; Troiani, Chiara; Weiss, Stephan (IEEE, 2014)
    Autonomous micro helicopters are about to play a major role in tasks like search and rescue, environment monitoring, security surveillance, inspection, etc. If they are further realized in small scale, they can also be ...

  • Water Supply Optimization: An IPA Approach 

    Heracleous, Constantinos; Zinonos, Zinon; Panayiotou, Christos G. (Elsevier, 2014)
    In this paper we address the problem of deciding whether a water source should be used by a water utility such that the production cost as well as the penalty cost due to water shortages is minimized while certain ...

  • What, Where and How? Introducing pose manifolds for industrial object manipulation 

    Kouskouridas, R.; Amanatiadis, A.; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A.; Gasteratos, A. (Elsevier, 2015)
    In this paper we propose a novel method for object grasping that aims to unify robot vision techniques for 24 efficiently accomplishing the demanding task of autonomous object manipulation. Through ontological 25 concepts, ...

  • Wireless sensor networks mobility management using fuzzy logic 

    Zinonos, Zinon; Chrysostomou, Chrysostomos; Vassiliou, Vasos (Elsevier, 2014)
    This paper presents a novel, intelligent controller to support mobility in wireless sensor networks. In particular, the focus is on the deployment of such mobility solution to critical applications, like personnel safety ...

  • Θεολογία, φιλοσοφία και επιστήμη κατά τους τρεις Ιεράρχες 

    Martzelos, Georgios (2013)
    Οι Τρεις Ιεράρχες που καθιερώθηκαν δικαίως στη νεώτερη ιστορία του Ελληνικού Έθνους ως οι προστάτες και στυλοβάτες της ελληνικής παιδείας αποτελούν για όλους μας, εκπαιδευτικούς και εκπαιδευομένους, πηγή εμπνεύσεως και ...