Statistical Process Control and Quality Control’ Tools regarding Measuring Organizations’ Quality: The case of Ishikawa's approach in Greek tertiary education system evaluation in respect of quality assurance

Anastasiadou, Sofia D. ; Zirinoglou, Poulcheria A. (2020-11)

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Competitiveness – IJEIC


The chief object of this paper is to study the dimension of Greek higher education quality with the help of Statistical Process Control and Quality Control’ Tools named Fishbone (Ishikawa) Diagram. More spesifically, in the present study Fishbone (Ishikawa) Diagram very well known as Cause–and–Effect Diagram, tries to reveal the negative causes in Greek tertiary education system according to 202 Greek stundents’ opinions. More specifically, it tries to identify the Likely Causes of Problems in the Greek educational system in relation to quality assurance. Possible solutions are proposed and implications for further research are made.