Predictive factors of disordered eating and body image satisfaction in Cyprus

Argyrides, Marios ; Kkeli, Natalie (2015-05)


Objective: This study aimed to assesspossible relationships and predictor varia-bles between disordered eating attitudesand behaviors, the internalization of thethin ideal construct, body image satisfac-tion, body image investment, weight-related anxiety, and body mass index(BMI) among Greek-Cypriot female uni-versity students in Cyprus.Method: A total of 243 female universitystudents responded to self-report meas-ures assessing disordered eating, internal-ization of the thin ideal, bodysatisfaction, body image investment, andweight-related anxiety.Results: Disordered eating was positivelycorrelated to the internalization of thethin ideal, body image investment,weight-related anxiety, and BMI and neg-atively correlated with body image satis-faction. The internalization of the thinideal was also positively correlated toweight-related anxiety and body imageinvestment and negatively correlated tobody image satisfaction. Furthermore,weight-related anxiety and internalizationof the thin ideal have been found to besignificant predictors of disordered eatingattitudes.Discussion: Possible explanations andvulnerability factors are addressed, aswell as implication for prevention strat-egies and future research.VC2014 WileyPeriodicals, Inc

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