Πλοήγηση Articles ανά ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης
Αποτελέσματα 1-20 από 401
On the synthesis of general systems
(Society for General Systems Research, 1971)The concept of a system has been identified in a large number of disciplines; biology, management science, economics, sociology, political science, theology, law, etc., have profited by the apparatus associated with ...
Management of time , a New Responsibility for Executives
(Bureau of Business Research, 1971)In the complex business environment that exists today, executive responsibility can no longer be allocated only to the limited traditional administrative resources: manpower, money, materials, and market behavior.
On the synthesis of general systems
(Society for General Systems Research, 1971)In Part I, we extended the work of Ashby [1,2] to develop an analytical framework for determining the relation betweén system size and system stability. It was established that, for linear dynamic systems, as the number ...
Stability properties of general systems
(Society for General Systems Research, 1973)The system approach views any organized entity as a unity composed of interdependent parts capable of sensitive and accurate interaction among themselves and with their environment. It is the mutual interaction among ...
Integrating Forecasting and Planning
(Elsevier, 1973-09)Specialization inhibits or prohibits interdisciplinary communication among diverse areas. It contributes to segmentation, which becomes a serious problem when several of those areas should depend upon knowledge which exists ...
Forecasting Methods for Managers
(Palgrave Macmillan Journals, 1974)The forecasting techniques available have increased both in number and com-plexity, so now is the time for a book to help both OR workers and managers to choose the most appropriate technique. Spyros Makridakis and Steven ...
An Analysis of the Interrelationships Among the Major World Stock Exchanges
(Wiley, 1974-06)The method of principal component is used in this paper to analyse the interrelationship among the world's major stock exchanges. The major finding is that the interrelationship is unstable over time. This finding proves ...
An Interactive Forecasting System
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1974-11)Time sharing computer configurations have introduced a new dimension in applying statistical and mathematical models to sequential decision problems. When the outcome of one step in the process influences subsequent ...
The Impact of Perceived Community Prosperity on Job Satisfaction of Black and White Workers
(Academy of Management, 1976)Data collected from black and white workers in three organizations indicate that workers living in communities with different perceived levels of prosperity have different job satisfaction. A relatively less affluent ...
A Survey of Time Series
(Longman Group Ltd, 1976)This paper surveys time-series methods developed and used in the fields of statistics, engineering, operation research and economics. It will describe each of the major methods now in existence and synthesize them into an ...
The second law of systems
(Taylor & Francis, 1977)This paper asserts that the Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT) despite holding truc in ail laboratory tests heretofore conducted, cannot, by itself, explain the hierarchical universe. By examination of the existing evidence, ...
The second law of systems
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1977)This paper asserts that the Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT) despite holding true in all laboratory tests heretofore conducted, cannot, by itself, explain the hierarchical universe. By examination of the existing evidence, ...
Can recessions be predicted?
(Elsevier Ltd, 1977-04)Can recessions, or serious turning points in general, be predicted? Or do forecasters tend to assume that the future will continue as an extension of the near past. Theoretical evidence and practical observations tend to ...
Forecasting: Issues & Challenges for Marketing Management
(American Marketing Association, 1977-10)Forecasting plays an important role in every major functional area of business management. In the area of marketing however, forecasting is doubly important; not only does it have a central role in marketing itself, but ...
The New SIBYL/RUNNER Interactive Forecasting Package (1978)
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1978)The SIBYL/RUNNER interactive forecasting system is a comprehensive package of time-shared computer programs that seek to handle four essential forecasting functions. The first is screening alternative forecasting techniques ...
Communication: panacea or pain in the neck?
(1978)This article analyzes whether communication can solve all management problems. With the rapid technological developments in methods of communication, corporate managers have become more increasingly dependent on electronic ...
Morphogenesis and Management: Some Implications
(The World Organisation of General Systems and Cybernetics, 1978)The main purpose of the paper will be to look at the influence of a change in perspective (namely, getting away from the input/output model) on social systems. in general, and management ones, more specifically. The ...
Communication, a managerial myth
(1978-08)Comunication is onc of the most widely used and least understood concepts current among managerof modern corporations.
Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting: An Update and Evaluation
(International Statistical Institute (ISI), 1978-12)Forecasting has clearly become a field in its own right; its growth and change continue at a rather fast pace, as the number of published books and papers on the topic increases and as more experience about forecasting ...
Analyse comparative du secteur manufacturlier Quebec-Ontario-Canada
(1978-12)La partie II de ce rapport étudie le secteur manufacturier du Québec et le compare avec celui de l'Ontario et de l'ensemhle du Canada. Les raisons d'une comparaison entre le secteur manufacturier du Québec et celui de ...