The contribution of staff training and development in the improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization

Christodoulou, Panayiota (2015)


Companies increasingly realize that they must move in the direction of increasing the satisfaction of their employees. Many companies conduct surveys to measure satisfaction in order to devise human resource management strategies with the ultimate goal of achieving a high level of employee performance, which has been linked to effective training. This paper evaluates the effects of the continuous training on employees for productivity improvements and personal and organizational development. Focusing on particular companies in Cyprus we address issues such as resistance to change and the length of potential training effects. The goal is to examine and analyse the motivation of trainees participating in training programs, and the effect of such training on their personal and professional development. The paper consists of two main parts: the second chapter is the review of the pertinent literature, providing the definitions of the main topics, such as training, the training methods and options, and we are interested specifically in the level of training in companies of the private sector. The second part of the paper consists of the practical survey; the methodology followed was quantitative in nature, with the use of questionnaires given to employees in the tourism sector. The main finding is that employees - respondents of the survey are satisfied with the level of training received. They are more likely to achieve personal development and to be promoted after they have received formal training. Moreover, it is obvious that there is an indispensable relation between employee training and the development of the organization. The fifth and last chapter of the paper presents the main conclusions from the survey, and the recommendations on the issue. It becomes evident that today there is an urgent need for an alternative productive model in which qualitative factors that have always been on the margins of the dominant options (eg innovation, new technologies, training of workers, organizational modernization of businesses) will be at the forefront, and the upgrading of work will be a key factor in increased productivity economic and social dimension in businesses.