Now showing items 1-10 of 40
Forecasting: Methods and Applications
(John Wiley and Sons, 2002)
This book covers what the authors call the “full range of major forecasting methods.” These comprise of the
traditional time series methods of decomposition, exponential smoothing, simple and multiple linear regression
and ...
Forecasting, Planning, and Strategies for the 21st Century
(Free Press, 1990)
Products ranging from Fifth Generation computers and sophisticated robotics to inexpensive, superfast wireless communications and smart cars will become widespread by the 21st century. At the same time, now unimagined new ...
The Forthcoming Information Revolution: Its Impact on Society and Firms
(Elsevier, 1995)
The impact of the industrial revolutions on all aspects of our society, work and life has, undoubtedly, been substantial. Will all the talk about the information revolution produce similar, far-reaching changes? By examining ...
Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting: An Update and Evaluation
(International Statistical Institute (ISI), 1978-12)
Forecasting has clearly become a field in its own right; its growth and change continue at a rather fast pace, as the number of published books and papers on the topic increases and as more experience about forecasting ...
Accuracy measures: theoretical and practical concerns
(Elsevier, 1993)
The Notes section of the international Journal of Forecasting contains commentary on the theory and
practice of forecasting in the form of communications to the journal such as research notes, teaching
tips, practitioners’ ...
Factors affecting judgmental forecasts and confidence intervals
(Elsevier, 1989)
Eighteen time series differing in their trend (three categories), randomness (three categories), and presentation on a graph (two categories) were given to 350 MBA students in a laboratory experiment. Each student was asked ...
Judgment: Its Role and Value for Strategy
(INSEAD, 1998)
Chess is an intellectually demanding game played by millions of people around the world. Yet unlike tennis or other competitive sports there are few changes in the rankings of chess players. There have only been twelve ...
Reply to comments on "Forecasting: its role and value for planning and strategy"
(Elsevier, 1996)
Long-term predictions are indispensable for planning and strategy. Yet little is known about their value, their limitations or the most appropriate way of making and using them. This paper examines these issues and proposes ...
Forecasting when pattern changes occur beyond the historical data
Forecasting methods currently available assume that established patterns or relationships will not change during the post-sample forecasting phase. This, however, is not a realistic assumption for business and economic ...
Chronology of the Last Six Recessions
(Pergamon press ltd, 1982)
How successful have economists and other business forecasters been in predicting recessions? This
question is of considerable practical value since the level of economic activity greatly influences
budgets and other plans ...