Burnout and engagement among physiotherapists

Martinussen, Monica ; Borgen, Per-Christian ; Richardsen, Astrid Marie ; Mandy, Anne ; Pavlakis, Andreas ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Cossman, Lynne (2011)


Aims: This article describes a study examining predictors of burnout and engagement, including job demands, job resources and Type A behaviour, in a sample of Norwegian physiotherapists (N = 244). Methods: This study measured demographic and work characteristics, job demands, job resources, burnout, work engagement and type A behaviour for all members of the sample. Findings: Both job demands and resources predicted burnout and engagement, and after controlling for these factors, Type A behaviour patterns accounted for additional variance in both burnout and engagement. Finally, Type A behaviour (Achievement Strivings and Impatience-Irritability) moderated several of the predictor-burnout relationships. Conclusions: These findings support the need for studying personality traits in addition to work related factors when predicting both positive and negative work related emotions such as burnout and engagement.

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