Browsing by Author "Vissilia, Anna-Maria"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Ancient Towers on Naxos Island, Greece: A Sustainable Environment
Vissilia, Anna-Maria; Georgi, Neratzia Julia (2015)This paper discusses the organization, distribution and architectural elements of Venetian towers on Naxos Island, the largest island of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea in Greece, most of which date to the Venetian rule. ...
Edible landscaping as an environmental policy tool for urban cities under crisis: Cases studies from Greece
Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Vissilia, Anna-Maria (INU Editioni, 2014)Agriculture in cities has always existed although it is typically considered a rural activity. In fact, many cities have evolved from agrarian roots, settling on the agricultural lands that are most productive. However, urban ...
Landscape Model Making: An Archetypal Design Medium Reevaluated in a Digital Age
Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Vissilia, Anna-Maria (2015)Today landscape digital technologies have become prerequisite for all landscape educational programs, altering the ways landscape architecture design schemes look, and by extension influencing the tra¬ditional methods that ...
Pafos Cultural Capital of Europe 2017: Landscape interventions in the urban fabric as a tourist development tool
Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Vissilia, Anna-Maria; Koutsolambros, Ioannis (2014)The relationship between tourism and sites of cultural and natural significance exists since the time of Greek Antiquity and strongly encourages landscape restoration of urban sites. This paper provides an up-to-date ...
Public Space as Landscape Experience of Happiness: A Surprise Public Garden amidst Water and Large Blocks of Woodland
Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Constantinides, Christos; Vissilia, Anna-Maria (INU Editioni, 2015)Urban public space is not a phenomenon of the twenty first century. It originated with the public parks of the mid-nineteenth century which were a considerable part of the urban fabric (Chadwick, 1966). Urban parks and ...
Public Space as Landscape Experience of Happiness: A Surprise Public Garden amidst Water and Large Blocks of Wooldland
Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Constantinides, Christos; Vissilia, Anna-Maria (INU Editioni, 2015)The suggested ecological concept of urban green space is a series of gardens by the water edge connected through a network of footpaths with large blocks of woodland, creating therefore a natural framework at the city's ...
The Vertical Gardens of Roberto Burle Marx: an Artistic Expression
Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Vissilia, Anna-Maria (EDIFIR - EDIZIONI FIRENZE, 2016)This paper aims to explore the vertical gardens designed by Roberto Burle Marx as an artistic expression of a common design feature, prevalent in landscape architectural discourse and practice since the 1930s. The contribution ...
Περιβαλλοντική - Οικοτουριστική Αξιοποίηση Οικολογικά ευαίσθητων περιοχών. Η περίπτωση διαμόρφωσης χώρου υποδοχής επισκεπτών στο Δέλτα του Νέστου
Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Vissilia, Anna-Maria (Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας, 2006)Το δέλτα του Νέστου είναι περιοχή που χαρακτηρίζεται από πολύ ευαίσθητο οικολογικό σύστηµα, όπως αποδεικνύεται µε την ένταξή του στη Συνθήκη Ramsar και στο “∆ίκτυο Νατούρα’’ 2000 (ΝΑΤURΑ 2000). ∆εδοµένων των σύγχρονων ...