Πλοήγηση NUP Academic Publications - Ακαδημαϊκές Δημοσιεύσεις ΠΝΠ ανά Θέμα "Economic crisis"

  • Between debaters or the true challenge of the economic crisis 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2009)
    The forthcoming elections of of June 7 2009 for the election of members of European Parliament have partially withdrawn Brussels' interest from matters of management of the current economic crisis, at central level.

  • Economic crisis and political extremism in Europe: from the 1930s to the present 

    Klapsis, Antonis (Springer, 2014)
    The Great Depression of the 1930s greatly affected political developments in Europe. Economic stagnation proved beneficial for far-right parties, which generally saw their influence increasing. Authoritarian regimes ...

  • In the Shadow of Grexit: A Short Story of Long (and Failed) Negotiations, January-July 2015 

    Klapsis, Antonis (European Institute of Romania, 2015)
    The article gives an outline of the failed strategy followed by the Greek government under Alexis Tsipras during the six-month negotiations with Greece’s creditors (January-July 2015). It is argued that Mr. Tsipras’ ...

  • The political economy of the Greek health sector and the implications of the economic crisis 

    Kotios, Angelos; Roukanas, Spyros (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-03-09)
    The manifestation of the world economic crisis at 2007 and its consequences have brought the European economy and, more specifically, the Greek economy in front of new challenges for adjustment to the new era. In 2010, ...

  • The role of the European Parliament in managing the international economic crisis 

    Manoli, Panagiota; Maris, Georgios (Routledge, 2015)
    This book analyses the role of the European Parliament as an international actor and presents a new debate about its role outside the EU territory. It explores different policy areas including human rights, international ...

  • SYRIZA en el gobierno: "Tomar el cielo por asalto" 

    Klapsis, Antonis (faes. Fundacion para el analisis y los estudios sociales, 2015)
    En los últimos meses, los acontecimientos políticos en Grecia han atraído la atención internacional. La victoria de la Coalición de la Izquierda Radical (más conocida por su acrónimo SYRIZA) en las elecciones del 25 de ...

  • The true challenge of economic crisis 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2009)
    The forthcoming elections of June 72009 for the election of members of European Parliament have partially withdrawn Brussels' interest from matters of management the current economic crisis, at central level. The ongoing ...