Browsing Conference papers by Title
Now showing items 33-52 of 96
The NOPTILUS project: Autonomous Multi-AUV Navigation for Exploration of Uknown Environments ★
(IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control), 2013)Current multi-AUV systems are far from being capable of fully autonomously taking over real-life complex situation-awareness operations. As such operations require advanced reasoning and decision-making abilities, current ...
Phillips Curve and Optimal Long-run Inflation under Commitment
(2015-06)The Phillips curve represents the link between the business cycle and infation and constrains the actions of policymakers. In this paper, we study the optimal long-run rate of infation in the presence of a hybrid Phillips ...
Power and knowledge acquisition: the implications for team performance
(Organizational Knowledge Learning and Capabilities Conference, OKLC, 2003)Knowledge has been identified as an important resource that contributes to the competitive advantage of an organisation. The problems associated with irresponsible use of power manifest itself in the loss of organisational ...
Promoting the European member states online: A critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the official tourism websites
(Neapolis University Paphos, 2018)Tourism today is characterised by an omnivorous production of goods and services. Destinations are in a struggle to present their characteristics (nature, history, culture, food) in an attractive way and to stimulate the ...
The Relationship Between Agency Problems and Ethical Leadership
(2012-01)Since the start of the recent financial crisis, the salaries of CEO's have constantly made headlines and the issue of management compensation has taken center stage in the public arena. For example, Barack Obama, the US ...
The Relationship Between Agency Problems and Ethical Leadership
(Academic Publishing International Limited, 2012)Since the start of the recent financial crisis, the salaries of CEO’s have constantly made headlines and the issue of management compensation has taken center stage in the public arena. For example, Barack Obama, the US ...
The relationship between leadership styles and knowledge aquisition: knowledge-enabled leader. The Australian experience
(UTS, University of Technology Sydney, 1999)Knowledge has been identified as one of the most important resources that contribute to the competitive advantage of an organisation. Many firms have reached the conclusion that effective management (acquisition) of ...
The Relationship between Self-Leadership BehaviouralFocused Strategies, Job Satisfaction and Quality Function Deployment
(ACL, Academic Conferences Ltd, 2007)The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate through an industry survey, the impact of self-leadership behavioural-focused strategies and job satisfaction on the determinants of quality function deployment ...
The Relationship between Self-Management Leadership Behaviour, Self-Leadership Worker Behaviour and Desirable Outcomes (i.e. Job Satisfaction, Trust, Performance, etc)
(Global Network, 1998)Self-managing teams hold a great interest for contemporary researchers and practitioners. There is an extensive literature which argues that such groups often exhibit high performance coupled with job satisfaction and ...
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Agency Problems: A Conceptual Model.
(Academic Conferences International Limited, 2015-11)Leadership and agency theory research still has to provide a conclusive response to questions "why do so many corporate scandals, budget deficits, and bankruptcies are witnessed in most of the OECD countries?" "Why private, ...
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Personality Characteristics: The 'Big Five'
(2012-01)The study is the first to examine the relationship between the ‘big five’ personality traits and the descriptors of servant leadership of medium sized or-ganisation offering transportation services in the United Arab ...
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Personality Characteristics: The ‘Big Five’
(Academic Publishing International Limited, 2012)The study is the first to examine the relationship between the ‘big five’ personality traits and the descriptors of servant leadership of medium sized or-ganisation offering transportation services in the United Arab ...
The Relationship of Mainstream Leadership Styles to Entrepreneurial Orientation
(2009-11)The objective of this paper is to empirically examine through an industry survey the influence of various leadership styles and behaviours on the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation – innovativeness, pro-activeness ...
The Relationship of Mainstream Leadership Styles to Entrepreneurial Orientation
(Academic Publishing Limited, 2016)The objective of this paper is to empirically examine through an industry survey the influence of various leadership styles and behaviours on the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation – innovativeness, pro-activeness ...
The responisiveness of Canadian imports to income and price movements
(Concordia University, 1977)The key variables in international trade policy are imports and exports elasticities with respect to income and prices. Thus their estimation has drawn~particular attention in the post war period. Most of the studies ...
Self management leader behaviour: its relations to transformational, transactional, iniating structure and consideration leadership style dimensions, and to work related attitudes such as job satisfaction, confidence in management and commitment
(ANZAM, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, 1998-12)Numerous studies on leadership and on the relationship between leadership style and various individual and organisational outcomes have utilised either of two questionnaire instruments for the measurement of leader ...
Self-leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Productivity in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates
(ICSB, International Council for Small Business, 2011-06)The goal of this study is to examine the impact of the Self-leadership styles on the dimensions of Enterpreneurial Orientation in organizations in Dubai and th Netherlands: Innovativeness, Risk Taking and Proactivness. The ...
Self-leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Productivity in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates
(2011)The goal of this study is to examine the impact of self-leadership styles on the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation in organizations in Dubai and the Netherlands: Innovativeness, Risk Taking and Proactiveness. The ...
Similarities in the demand structures as determinants of Canadian international trade patterns: an empirical view
(Concordia University, 1976)The testing of various explanations of international trade patterns always arouses a good share of academic interest. Unfortunately, due to imperfections embodied in the testing processes and due to imperfect data, the ...