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Now showing items 122-141 of 6215
Can recessions be predicted?
(Elsevier Ltd, 1977-04)Can recessions, or serious turning points in general, be predicted? Or do forecasters tend to assume that the future will continue as an extension of the near past. Theoretical evidence and practical observations tend to ...
Capturing Provenance, Evolution and Modification of Clinical Protocols via a Heterogeneous, Semantic Social Network
(IOS Press, 2016)Healthcare delivery is largely based on medical best practices as in clinical protocols. Research so far has addressed the computerized execution of clinical protocols by developing a number of related representation ...
Caracteres specifiques des incitations financieres au developpement regional en Grece (1982-1986)
(Armand Colin, 1987)Les lois de développement qui ont été périodiquement mises en oeu v re en Grèce n'ont pas toujours comporté d'incitations fin a ncières. Cette absence pouvait s'expliquer de plusieurs manl eres, soi t que l'on ait préféré ...
Career Planning and Management Succession: The Case of “PHC Franchised Restaurants Public Ltd” Company
(Business Administration Programm, School of Economic Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2017)In today’s knowledge based global economy, human capital is recognized as a key driver of success in all types of organizations. Career planning is a lifelong process. A career development plan is beneficial for both ...
(Barchelor in Accounting Banking and Finance, Shcool of Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015)Carlsberg beer is the leading beer brand in Cyprus and is brewed in the largest brewery on the island, the Cyprus Carlsberg brewery. It is produced in Cyprus under license since 1969. The Cyprus Carlsberg brewery is ...
Case C-507/18 NH v ACase C-507/18 NH v Associazione Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI – Rete Lenford: Homophobic speech and EU anti-discrimination lawssociazione Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI – Rete Lenford: Homophobic speech and EU anti-discrimination law
(Sage, 2020)In the NH case – which can be characterised as a sequel to the Asociat¸ia Accept ruling delivered in 2013 – the Court of Justice of the European Union was confronted, once more, with an incident of homophobic speech. In ...
A case of insufficient safeguards or state-enabled money laundering? ‘Golden Passport’ and ‘Golden Visa’ investment schemes in Europe
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021)Purpose – To critically examine recent developments and proposals for the regulation and supervision of ‘golden passport’ and ‘golden visa’ investment schemes in Europe. We argue that FATF standards constitute an appropriate ...
CEDD: Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor: A Compact Descriptor for Image Indexing and Retrieval
(Springer-Verlag, 2008)This paper deals with a new low level feature that is extracted from the images and can be used for indexing and retrieval. This feature is called “Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor” and incorporates color and texture ...
Cellular Automata Ants
(Springer, 2017)During the last decades much attention was given to bio-inspired techniques able to successfully handle really complex algorithmic problems. As such Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms have been introduced as a ...
Challenger banks: στάσεις και απόψεις τραπεζικών πελατών σχετικά με τις δυνατότητες ανάπτυξης τους στην Ελλάδα
(Πρόγραμμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης, Πανεπιστήμιο Νεάπολις Πάφου, 2020-05)Οι challenger banks αποτελούν τραπεζικές επιχειρήσεις που αντιπροσωπέυουν ένα καινοτόμο και πλήρως ψηφιοποιημένο μοντέλο τραπεζικής που βασίζεται στην αξιοποίηση τεχνολογίας αιχμής, στην απουσία φυσικών καταστημάτων και ...
Change Process, Supports and Barriers in Residential Treatment Program: A Qualitative Approach
(Open Access Library Journal, 2014)Various studies have employed quantitative and qualitative methods in order to explore the process of behavioral change emerging during a drug addiction treatment, i.e. the factors both encouraging and discouraging such ...
Chapter 7: Establishing the Rule of Law in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Contribution of the EU Civilian Missions
(Springer International Publishing AG, 2017)The chapter examines the efforts of the EU civilian missions deployed in BiH (EUPM) and Kosovo (EULEX) to advance the consolidation of state-building and the establishment of the rule of law. It tries to map out and assess ...
Childhood ADHD and Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder Comorbidity: A Case Report
(2020-11)Introduction: Recent research has highlighted an increased rate of co-morbidity between the neurodevelopmental-behavioral disorder of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a variety of psychiatric disorders, ...
Children and advertising: A study on advertising understanding and effects on children
(Master in Public Administration, Shcool of Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015)This study explores how children understand television advertising and it concentrates on how differently each child responds according to his/her age (6 to 11 years old). It is essential to mention that 36 focus groups ...
China’s Rise As A Global Power: A Comprehensive Analysis Of China’s Influence In Global Climate Governance
(Μaster in International Relations, Strategy and Security, School of Social Science and Humanities, Neapolis University Pafos, 2024-08)While the global climate emergency is causing severe and irreversible consequences, governments around the world are hesitant to implement necessary policy measures to address this crisis, underscoring the urgent need for ...
Chronology of the Last Six Recessions
(Pergamon press ltd, 1982)How successful have economists and other business forecasters been in predicting recessions? This question is of considerable practical value since the level of economic activity greatly influences budgets and other plans ...
The Classification of Urban Uses
(MDPI, 2017)The classification of uses is one of the central issues of urban planning, since it is only by referring to groups of uses that we can achieve the simplification and, ultimately, the understanding of urban space. However, ...
Climate change and food security in Nigeria, a case study of the herders- farmers crisis
(Μaster in International Relations, Strategy and Security, School of Social Science and Humanities, Neapolis University Pafos, 2024-05)Using qualitative and thematic approaches, this study examined the effect of climate change on food security in Nigeria. The research specifically sought to find out the influence of climate change and farmers-herders ...
Clinical Profiles and Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Adults with Specific Learning Disorder in Northern Greece
(2021-05)The manifestation of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) during adulthood is one of the least examined research areas among the relevant literature. Therefore, the adult population with SLD is considered a "rare" and "unique" ...
CLT: An Interactive Approach for Illustrating the Central Limit Theorem
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1979-05)In classical statistics, inferences about the popula- tion mean, confidence intervals, or testing of hypoth- eses are based on the sampling distribution of X. For the statistician or the mathematically sophisticated, there ...