Browsing by Title
Now showing items 748-767 of 5997
Job satisfaction among Secondary School Teachers: The Role of Gender and Experience
(Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2011)The paper investigates the association between individual characteristics and teacher job satisfaction in secondary education in Cyprus. It focuses on two individual characteristics commonly linked to job satisfaction in ...
Job satisfaction and related environmental factors. The case of Aquamare beach hotel
(Business Administration Program, School of Economics Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Paphos, 2012)Job satisfaction among employees is a field of great interest, since it is considered a very important concept for every business. The purpose of this study is to measure the overall job satisfaction of employees at ...
Judgment: Its Role and Value for Strategy
(INSEAD, 1998)Chess is an intellectually demanding game played by millions of people around the world. Yet unlike tennis or other competitive sports there are few changes in the rankings of chess players. There have only been twelve ...
Kataphasis and apophasis in the Greek Orthodox patristic tradition
(Rodopi, 2007)One of the main characteristic features of the theology of the Church Fathers, when they refer to the meaning of God, to His relation to the world or even to their divine experiences, is the kataphatic and apophatic way, ...
Kataphatische und apophatische theologie in der griechischen patristik.
(2004)Eines der wichtigsten Merkmale der Theologie der Kirchenväter, wenn diese sich auf den Begriff Gottes, seine Beziehung mit der Welt oder ihre Gotteserfahrungen beziehen, ist die apophatische und kataphatische Art und Weise, ...
Key factors influencing customer buying behaviour in the Cyprus real estate market
((Business Administration Program, School of Economic Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015)Buying a property is one of the most important decisions that local people or foreigners make in their lives, either for investing, or for holiday / permanent residence in the country they select. This thesis investigates ...
Key factors influencing customer buying behaviour in the cyprus real estate market
(Business Administration Program, School of Economic Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015)Buying a property is one of the most important decisions people make in their lives. This thesis investigates customer behaviour in the real estate market of Cyprus. As it was revealed from the literature review carried ...
Keynes and the Eurozone’ s Crisis: Towards a Fiscal Union?
(Science Direct, 2014)The majority of the peripheral member states of the Eurozone Portugal, Italy, Spain, and Greece have experienced financial crises. Until now, the European leaders attempted to solve the crises mainly through austerity ...
Knowledge Management and the Learning Organisation Constitute New Means for the Managerial Appropriation of the Knowledge and Skills of Workers
(2015)This paper investigates into what extent, and in what ways, Knowledge Management (KM) and Learning Organisation (LO) constitute new means for the managerial appropriation of the knowledge and skills of workers.
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of immigrants from third countries in Cyprus, on HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health. The implication of nursing ethics to healthcare
(Technological Educational Institute of Athens, 2013)Background: Cultural, social policy and legal factors contribute to HIV vulnerability amongst ethnic minorities. Insufficient knowledge on HIV transmission and prevention contributes in engaging in risky sexual behaviours ...
Known Unknowns in an Era of Technological and ViralDisruptions—Implications for Theory,Policy, and Practice
(Springer Verlag, 2021-02-10)Technology is composed of the words “Techne” and “Logos” that refer to the artistic/ creative and the logical/scientific aspects of its dualism. And so inherent this Promethean concept lie the concepts of the Schumpeterian ...
The Kurds and their armed struggle against islamic state
(Μaster in International Relations, Strategy and Security, School of Social Science and Humanities, Neapolis University Pafos, 2024-06)The main focus of the present research study has been on analysing Kurds and their armed struggle against Islamic State. The first chapter of the research study has outlined the background of Iraqi Kurdistan and their ...
Kοινότητα και Eκκλησία. H δυναμική παρουσία της κοινότητας στον εκκλησιαστικό χώρο κατά την περίοδο της τουρκοκρατίας
(1989)Το βασικότερο κύτταρο της ελληνικής ζωής κατά την περίοδο της Τουρκοκρατίας, μετά την Εκκλησία και σε συνδυασμό, φυσικά, πάντοτε μ' αυτήν, υπήρξε η Κοινότητα. Αυτή επικράτησε χάρη στην αδυναμία της οθωμανικής εξουσίας ...
L'Administration Publique Anthropocentrique
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 1998)C'est vrai d' apres ce qu'on dit de temps en temps sur l'Administration Publique Grecque que: " L' Administration Publique est par nature consacrée à la réalisation de l' Idèe de la Democratie, de l'Etat de Droit el de ...
La législation britannique de lutte contre la corruption (Bribery Act) : les normes applicables aux personnes suisses
(2015)Η νομοθεσία περί δωροδοκίας του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου (Bribery Act 2010) είναι μια φιλόδοξη νομοθετική πρωτοβουλία και το βασικό εργαλείο του βρετανικού νομικού πλαισίου κατά της διαφθοράς. Εκτός από τα κλασσικά ποινικά ...
La lutte contre le blanchiment en Suisse
(Bruylant (Bruxelles), 2013)Η Ελβετία κατέχει σημαντικότατη θέση στο διεθνές χρηματοπιστωτικό σύστημα, απευθυνόμενη σε διεθνή πελατεία και διαχειριζόμενη το 30% περίπου των ιδιωτικών offshore περιουσιακών στοιχείων σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Δεν είναι ...
La notion d' investissement prive productif en Grece
(Association des Chercheurs Economistes, 1991)La présente note ne prétend pas à une définition générale et exhaustive de l'investissement telle qu'elle pourrait être formulée en science économique ou en analyse comptable. Elle se limite à évoquer les differentcs ...
La notion d’égalité en droit public économique
(Bruxelles establissments E. Bruyalnt, 1975)La nοtion qui caracterise par excellence le developpement du Droit Public de l'economie, est celle d'egalίte. Cette nouvelle branche du Droit est fort impregnee de l'idee d'egalίte, qu'elle s'efforce de mettre en reuvre ...
Land reclamation: Landscape principals conceming infrastructures in Greece
(2001)A number of infrastructure projects are on progress ail around Greece at the moment. The common propose of these a project is the promotion of quality in: Design, construction and maintenance stages. They also comply ...
Land restoration for the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece: Case study Lycabettus slopes (cycle road)
(Springer, 2007)A number of landscape projects have been completed around Athens (Greece) for the 2004 Olympic Games.The common purpose of these projects was the promotion of quality in: design, construction and maintenancestages. They ...