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Now showing items 425-444 of 6217
E-commerce: SMEs and electronic retailing (the B2C model): e-tailing the way forward: case study - Kouross Fashions Ltd
(Business Administration Programm, School of Economics Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Paphos, 2012)As globalization of the business world unfolds, competition is dominated to the global economic marketplace, making a business objective more difficult to accomplish. Therefore the companies are seeking for strategies ...
E-marketing in the Hotel Industry: Marketing Mix Strategies
(2015)Does the hotel industry fully exploit the e-marketing capabilities? The purpose of this study is to investigate the Internet marketing strategies and practices that are used in the hotel industry. Namely, it examines the ...
e-Marketing in the Hotel Industry: Marketing Mix Strategies
(Springer International Publishing, 2016-09-27)Does the hotel industry fully exploit the e-marketing capabilities? The purpose of this study is to investigate the Internet marketing strategies and practices that are used in the hotel industry. Namely, it examines the ...
E-servqual and satisfaction analysis of retail foreign exchange company
(Business Administration Program, School of Economics Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Paphos, 2014)Purpose: To quantify the service quality of an online financial institution (XM), and to conclude to the most important service quality dimension that contributes to customer satisfaction. Methodology: Firstly, identifying ...
Earthquake resistant optimum design of 3d reinforced concrete buildings
(WCCM, 2006)Designing earthquake resistant structures has been the subject of great concern among engineers and scientists. The vertical seismic resisting elements in particular, in connection with the beam and the plates in a reinforced ...
Eastern Orthodox - Oriental Orthodox Dialogue - A Historical and Theological Survey
(Volos Academy Publications, 2014)The dyophysite formula in the Definition of Chalcedon («ἕνα καί τόν αὐτόν Χριστόν…ἐν δύο φύσεσιν…γνωριζόμενον» – “One and the Same Christ…known… in two natures”) , which constitutes, as is well known, its most crucial and ...
Ebauche d' une critique de l' obligation Juridique
(1975)A en croire les juristes, il n'y a pas de valeur supérieure au Droit. La doctrine juridique affirme avec fermeté que le Dr~it se pose non seu lement comme quelque chose d'éternel: "Ubi societas ibi jus", mais en plus ...
Economic Analysis of Minimizing Environmental Cost Caused by Outdoor Advertising
(David Publishing Company, 2018)The optimal consent ration Copt of pollutant advertising in the environment can be determined as an equilibrium point in the trade off between the environmental cost, due to impact on man/land/economy and the economic cost ...
Economic Analysis of the Internalization the Externalities in Environmental Goods
(David Publishing, 2017)The environment is characterized as a public good. Public goods are goods that provide benefits for society as a whole or part of it, usually regardless of whether the individual people are willing to pay to have these ...
Economic crisis and political extremism in Europe: from the 1930s to the present
(Springer, 2014)The Great Depression of the 1930s greatly affected political developments in Europe. Economic stagnation proved beneficial for far-right parties, which generally saw their influence increasing. Authoritarian regimes ...
Economic efficiency of methods of imperfect hedging financial options
(Banking investment and finance Program, School of Economics Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Paphos, 2014)Based on the positive trends of the futures market, it can be concluded that in addition to active speculators in the market, there are hedgers as well. Position protection against the price risk becomes more relevant in ...
Economic theoristing and policy making
(Economic Research Center, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya University, 1992)This paper relates economic theorising and policy making in a context of people's changing behaviour, which makes economy to work in a different way. As economic theory is not adapting to these changes, it produces false ...
Edible landscaping as an environmental policy tool for urban cities under crisis: Cases studies from Greece
(INU Editioni, 2014)Agriculture in cities has always existed although it is typically considered a rural activity. In fact, many cities have evolved from agrarian roots, settling on the agricultural lands that are most productive. However, urban ...
Editorial for the Special Thematic Section on “Body Image and Disordered Eating in Cyprus” of the European Journal of Counseling Psychology
(The European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 2019)Dear Reader, Both body image as a construct and eating disorders as diagnoses are complex and multidimensional. Therefore, their continuous research and in-depth assessment is a necessity in order to better understand ...
Education Efficiency and Labor Market Achievements: An Evaluation for Twenty OECD Countries
(Elsevier, 2006)The paper uses data envelopment analysis (DEA-CCR model) to evaluate the tertiary-level educational system mechanism, relating a set of inputs to some outputs, in particular, income and employment. The analysis concerns ...
"Educational Robotics: Platforms, Competitions and Expected Learning Outcomes"
(IEEE, 2020-12-04)Motivated by the recent explosion of interest around Educational Robotics (ER), this paper attempts to re-approach this area by suggesting new ways of thinking and exploring the related concepts. The contribution of the ...
The Effect of Basel Regulations on Market Efficiency: The case of Greece
(Business Administration Programm, School of Economic Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2020)The aim of this paper is to provide evidence on the impact of Basel Regulations on market efficiency. The objective is accomplished by examining the weak form of efficiency of the Greek stock market using autocorrelation ...
The Effect of China’s Limit on Capital Outflows in Cyprus Real Estate Market
(Real Estate Management Program, School of Architecture, Engineering, Land and Environment, Neapolis University Pafos, 2020-09)This dissertation mainly investigates the effects and risks that theoretically can arise in Cyprus’ real estate market due to China’s Capital Control Policy. To achieve this we have compared construction and real estate ...
The Effect of Creative Movement and Improvised Game (CMIG) Intervention on the Enjoyment
(American Research Institute for Policy Development, 2015)Creative teaching is one of the most effective teaching styles. On the other hand free-movement without any guidelines, has been misinterpreted as not usefulness and not effective. Enjoyment/ interest are the main factor ...
The Effect of Green Walls on the Urban Environment in the City of Nicosia
(Architecture Program, School of Architecture, Engineering, Land and Environment, Neapolis University Pafos, 2022-07)Green walls are a natural-based solution (NBS) which offers the flexibility to re-introduce Nature to existing buildings. This study presents the application of a modular living wall and its data monitoring activity, in ...