Browsing NUP Academic Publications - Ακαδημαϊκές Δημοσιεύσεις ΠΝΠ by Title

Now showing items 530-549 of 1593

  • The Legal Contours of Sovereign Debt Restructuring under the UNCTAD Draft Principles 

    Gourgourinis, A.; Pavlidis, G.; Bredimas, A. (Oxford University press, 2013)
    Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετώνται οι αρχές της UNCTAD για το διεθνή δανεισμό (UNCTAD Draft Principles on Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing) μέσα στο διεθνές κανονιστικό τους περιβάλλον. Εξετάζεται ειδικότερα η σχέση ...

  • Les pouvoirs de gestion administrative du domaine public en droit Francais et en droit Belge 

    Manitakis, Antonis (Revue de droit International et de droit comparé, 1979)
    La presente etude poursuit deux objectifs principaux : d'une part, determiner. en fonction de l'evolution jurisprudentielle, la nature de l'etendue des pouvoirs exerces par les autorites administratives sur leur domaine ...

  • Les structures regionales et locales en Grece et dans les pays membres de l' union Europeenne 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 1997)
    Les questions sur la Décentralisation ainsi que l' emsemble de l' Administration Publique et Locale ont a pnori une importance capitale. Mais leur importance gagne parfois d'ampleur selon les circonstances dans lesquelles ...

  • Like a Rolling Stone 

    Xenopoulos, Solon (Άνδρεας Χατζηθωμάς, 2019-07)
    Τον Buster Keaton (Οκτώμβριος 1895 - Φεβρουάριος 1966) ηθοποιό και σκηνοθέτη του βωβού κινηματογράφου, διέκρινε ένα βασικό γνώρισμα. Σε όλες τις ταινίες του, ανεξάρτητα απο την θεματολογία ή την πλοκή, η έκφραση του προσώπου ...

  • Linear-testable and C-testable Nx~x Ny~ modified Booth multipliers 

    Gizopoulos, Dimitris; Paschalis, A.; Nikolos, D. (Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 1996)
    The testability of modified Booth multipliers is examined with respect to the cell fault model, an implementation-independent fault model. This is especially useful in design environments where the cell realisations are ...

  • Linguistic Deficiencies in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis 

    Sofologi, Maria; Markou, Euaggelia; Kougioumtzis, Georgios; Kamari, Afroditi; Tsanidou, Anastasia; Porfyri, Georgia-Nektaria; Vavetsi, Sofia; Giannoglou, Sofia; Efstratopoulou, Maria; Tsiviki, Eleni; Bonti, Eleni; Tachmatzidis, Dimitrios (2020-03)
    e aim of the present study is to investigate the linguistic profile of patients with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS) in relation to linguistic deficits associated with specific brain areas. Ten adults with ...

  • Liquid Waste Management Practises for Addressing Salinity Problems When Irrigating Urban Green Areas-Guidelines for Landascaping 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Stathakopoulos, J. E.; Pelagos, D. H. (WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), 2005)
    The use for scheduling irrigations and for determining water allotments for landscapes is being adopted by water purveyors, agencies, landscape architects, and maintenance personnel. The needs of the dry and hot areas of ...

  • LIRe: Lucene Image Retrieval - An Extensible Java CBIR Library 

    Lux, Mathias; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A. (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), United States, 2008)
    LIRe (Lucene Image Retrieval) is a light weight open source Java library for content based image retrieval. It provides common and state of the art global image features and offers means for indexing and retrieval. Due ...

  • Literary and Intellectual Life in Byzantine Thessaloniki, Queen of the Worthy Thessaloniki. History and Culture, vol. II 

    Katsaros, Vasilis (1997)
    This passage from the Acts οί the Αροsties shows how, in the very first years of the Christian era, the city received the message which was to become the predominant doctrine in its intellectual and spiritual life, and ...

  • Literature Review 

    Bellos, John; Inman, Daniel (Shock and Vibration Information Center, 1989)
    This paper forms a literature survey on lumped and distributed parameter, linear, viscously damped, dynamic systems, possessing non-classical modes.

  • Living in a world of low levels of predictability 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Taleb, Nassim (Elsevier, 2009)
    This conclusion aims to summarize the major issues surrounding forecasting, as well as the extensive empirical evidence proving our inability to accurately predict the future. In addition, it discusses our resistance to ...

  • Localized Global Descriptors for Image Retrieval: An Extensive Evaluation on Adaptations to the Simple Model 

    Anagnostopoulos, Nektarios; Iakovidou, Chrysanthi; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A.; Boutalis, Yiannis; Lux, Mathias (IEEE (Computer Society), 2016)
    SIMPLE (Searching Images with MPEG-7 (& MPEG-7-like) Powered Localized dEscriptors) is a model that proposes the reuse of well-established global descriptors by localizing their description mechanism on image patches located ...

  • Localizing global descriptors for content-based image retrieval 

    Iakovidou, Chryssanthi; Anagnostopoulos, Nektarios; Kapoutsis, Athanasios; Boutalis, Yiannis; Lux, Mathias; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A. (Springer, 2015)
    In this paper, we explore, extend and simplify the localization of the description ability of the well-established MPEG-7 (Scalable Colour Descriptor (SCD), Colour Layout Descriptor (CLD) and Edge Histogram Descriptor ...

  • A LoCATe‐based visual place recognition system for mobile robotics and GPGPUs 

    Bampis, Loukas; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A.; Iakovidou, Chryssanthi; Gasteratos, Antonios; Boutalis, Yiannis; Amanatiadis, Angelos (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017-05)
    In this paper, a novel visual Place Recognition approach is evaluated based on a visual vocabulary of the Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor (CEDD) to address the loop closure detection task. Even though CEDD was initially ...

  • A Look at the Evolution of the Self-Help Movement 

    Flora, Katerina; Raftopoulos, Antonios; Pontikes, Theodote (Taylor and Francis Online, 2010-11-15)
    The self-help movement clearly introduced the significance of the role of responsibility and self-actualization into the health care sector. Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous are among the most influential ...

  • Looking back and forging ahead: the weighting of ESG factors 

    Garefalakis, Alexandros; Dimitras, Augoustinos I. (Springer Verlag, 2020-11)
    The research for the investigation of the quality of the Corporate Annual Reports (CAR) and particularly the part of the narrative information contained in it has long been underestimated, mainly due to the lack of tools ...

  • Los determinantes de la estructura economica en los paises del mercado comun 

    Vournas, Stylianos (1989-03)
    La teoria economica y el sentido comun nos indican una serie de factores que pueden intervenir en la formacion de las estructuras economicas. Lo que resta, por tanto, es descubrir los que son realmente cruciales en nuestra ...

  • Low Auditory-Verbal Cognitive Profile: Α “Risk Factor” for Specific Learning Difficulties in Preschool Children in Greece 

    Bonti, Eleni; Sofologi, Maria; Efstratopoulou, Maria; Katsiana, Aikaterini; Papantoniou, Georgia; Kougioumtzis, Georgios A. (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    Preschool-age children with a low auditory-verbal cognitive profile may be predisposed to develop subsequent learning difficulties. This study, through the use of early diagnostic procedures and a special intervention ...

  • Lumped Systems with Nonproportional Damping 

    Bellos, John; Inman, Daniel (1988)
    The time domain response of non-proportionally damped or non-classical normal mode or non-Rayleigh linear lumped parameter systems, as otherwise called, is derived. Modal analysis is used to transform the governing equations ...

  • L’ illicéité comme élément de la responsabilité de l’ Etat en droit constitutionnel hellénique 

    Manitakis, Antonis (Ad. Journées de la société de législation comparée, 1984)
    Faire entrer la notion d'illicéité en matière de responsabilité de l'État ne serait-ce que comme sujet de discussion ou comme hypothèse de travail - est déjà un acte qui pourrait être considéré par les publicistes grecs ...