Πλοήγηση NUP Academic Publications - Ακαδημαϊκές Δημοσιεύσεις ΠΝΠ ανά Θέμα "Orthodoxy"

  • The Cyrillian Character of the Chalcedonian Definition of Faith», 

    Martzelos, Georgios (2000)
    While modern theologians have dealt extensively with the problem of the sources of the Definition of Chalcedon , there hasn’t been yet an absolutely sufficient solution to this problem, so that it could respond to the ...

  • Die Gottesschau des Jesaja in der Orthodoxen Überlieferung 

    Martzelos, Georgios (2008)
    Die Gottesschau des Jesaja, die den Anfang und den Kern der Vision bildet, durch die der Prophet zur prophetischen Diakonie berufen wurde, hat eine herausragende Position in der Theologie und im Leben der Kirche inne. Und ...

  • Orthodoxy and Inter-religious Dialogue 

    Martzelos, Georgios (2007)
    The great problems, persecutions and dangers that missionaries and the faithful have been facing for centuries from the fanatical followers of traditional religions, mainly in Asia and Africa, have been compounded over ...