Πλοήγηση BSc in Accounting, Banking and Finance ανά Συγγραφέα "Hadjixenophontos, Andreas"

  • Financial system of Ukraine 

    Lytvynenko, Olga (Barchelor in Accounting Banking and Finance, Shcool of Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015)
    In recent years, in connection with the transition to a market economy there are many deep changes in the economy of Ukraine. The main changes are the elaboration due to refinement, and sometimes a change of priorities, ...

  • The "MMM" and financial pyramids as a whole 

    Shumakov, Alexander (Barchelor in Accounting Banking and Finance, Shcool of Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015-09)
    In the middle of the 90's Russia has experienced a period of massive creation of the financial pyramids. This period has become an integral part of the story of Russia in transition period. Nevertheless, the Russian financial ...