Browsing Articles by Title
Now showing items 24-43 of 360
Change Process, Supports and Barriers in Residential Treatment Program: A Qualitative Approach
(Open Access Library Journal, 2014)Various studies have employed quantitative and qualitative methods in order to explore the process of behavioral change emerging during a drug addiction treatment, i.e. the factors both encouraging and discouraging such ...
Childhood ADHD and Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder Comorbidity: A Case Report
(2020-11)Introduction: Recent research has highlighted an increased rate of co-morbidity between the neurodevelopmental-behavioral disorder of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a variety of psychiatric disorders, ...
Clinical Profiles and Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Adults with Specific Learning Disorder in Northern Greece
(2021-05)The manifestation of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) during adulthood is one of the least examined research areas among the relevant literature. Therefore, the adult population with SLD is considered a "rare" and "unique" ...
The Comparison of Cyprus to Six Other European Countries on Body Image Satisfaction, Appearance Investment and Weight and Appearance-Related Anxiety
(The European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 2019)Previous research has pointed out the importance of Cyprus in the body image literature as well as the importance of body-image crosscultural investigations. The purpose of the current study was to compare appearance ...
Conflict management and job satisfaction in paediatric hospitals in Greece
(Blackwell Publishing, 2011-09-08)Aim To assess the major causes of conflict and to identify choices of strategy in handling conflicts. Background Conflict is inherent to hospitals as in all complex organizations, and health personnel deal with internal ...
Conflict management in public hospitals: the Cyprus case
(International Council of Nurses, 2001-06)Background: Conflict among health-care personnel has been identified as an issue within health-care settings around the world. Aim: To investigate the existence and management of conflict among health-care personnel in ...
Corrigendum: The role of action representations in thematic object relations
(Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2015-09-29)This work was supported by an NIH award R01 NS065049 and James S. McDonnell Foundation award #220020190 to LB.
Cross -cultural perceptual differences among African American, Caucasian, and Greek-Cypriot college students
(ProQuest Information and Learning Company, 2006)The purpose of this study was to examine the variables of ethnic identity, collective self-esteem, person perception, individualism, collectivism, and prejudice in Caucasian (North and South), African-American, and ...
Current Status of Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous in Greece: Factors Influencing Member Enrollment
(Taylor and Francis Online, 2010)In Greece, the self-help groups of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) have existed for over twenty years, but both qualitative and quantitative research in this field has been limited. This is the first ...
Cutting the gordian knot
(University of Minnesota, 2011-01-01)The Lausanne Convention for the Exchange of Greek-Turkish Populations represents a hlming point in the modern history not only of Greece and Turkey, but also of Southeast Europe and the Near East as a whole. This compulsory ...
Cypriot secondary school teachers’ professional life phases: a research-informed view of career long motivation
(2015)This paper presents the professional life phases of Cypriot secondary school teachers and discusses the influences underlying their motivation. A comparison is established between teachers within each phase by extracting ...
The Cyrillian Character of the Chalcedonian Definition of Faith»,
(2000)While modern theologians have dealt extensively with the problem of the sources of the Definition of Chalcedon , there hasn’t been yet an absolutely sufficient solution to this problem, so that it could respond to the ...
Dance in primary education: a comparison between Greece and England
(The Cyprus Journal of Sciences, 2011)In this study there is an attempt to present the similarities and the differences between Greek and British curriculum for dance. Moreover a second question is whether dance lessons in Greek schools can provide all the ...
Der heilige Gregorios Palamas und die neuere deutschsprachige Theologie
(2011)Nicht nur zu seiner Zeit sondern auch bis vor einigen Jahren war der heilige Gregorios Palamas ein Stein des Anstoßes und ein Gegensatzpunkt zwischen den orthodoxen Theologen, die ihn als „Leuchte der Orthodoxie, Stütze ...
Der theologische Dialog zwischen der Orthodoxen und der Römisch-katholischen Kirche: Chronik – Bewertung - Aussichten
(2007)Der theologische Dialog der Orthodoxen mit der Römisch-katholischen Kirche, der im Mai 1980 angefangen und bis Juli 2000 angehalten hat, war, wie bekannt, Frucht der standhaften und gegenseitigen Beschlüsse der zwei Kirchen ...
The Development and Validation of the People Perspective Questionnaire
(North American Journal of Psychology, 2015)The purpose of this study was twofold: first, to develop a measure (People Perspective Questionnaire; PPQ) that assesses a dimension previously proposed, stating that a characteristic or trait exists, whereby some people ...
Die Anfänge und die Voraussetzungen des Filioque in der theologischen Überlieferung des Abendlandes
(1999)Es ist einem theologischen Forscher unmöglich, eine Ausführung über die Anfänge der Lehre vom Filioque und seine Voraussetzungen in der westlichen theologischen Überlieferung zu verfassen, ohne insbesondere und hauptsächlich ...
Die Apostolizität der Kirche im Rahmen der ekklesiologischen Problematik des ÖRK
(2010)Das Thema „Ekklesiologie“, wie ich schon vor zwei Jahren in Sibiu erwähnt habe, ist eins der zentralsten und modernsten Themen in der ökumenischen Szenerie unserer Zeit. Es ist der Kernpunkt nicht nur des theologischen ...
Die Apostolizität der Kirche im theologischen Dialog der Orthodoxen mit der Römisch-katholischhen Kirche
(2010)Es ist bekannt, dass im theologischen Dialog zwischen der orthodoxen und der römisch-katholischen Kirche das Ziel verfolgt wurde, bei den Punkten anzusetzen, die sie einen, und davon ausgehend zu beginnen, all jene Punkte, ...
Die dogmatischen Grundlagen der Orthodoxen Ikonenlehre
(1998)Grundlage und Kern der dogmatischen Lehre des VII. ökumenischen Konzils und allgemeiner der Orthodoxen Ikonenlehre, die die Kirchenväter des 8. und 9. Jahrhunderts als Reaktion auf den Ikonoklasmus entwickelt haben, bildet ...