Browsing Articles by Title
Now showing items 56-75 of 360
Eastern Orthodox - Oriental Orthodox Dialogue - A Historical and Theological Survey
(Volos Academy Publications, 2014)The dyophysite formula in the Definition of Chalcedon («ἕνα καί τόν αὐτόν Χριστόν…ἐν δύο φύσεσιν…γνωριζόμενον» – “One and the Same Christ…known… in two natures”) , which constitutes, as is well known, its most crucial and ...
Editorial for the Special Thematic Section on “Body Image and Disordered Eating in Cyprus” of the European Journal of Counseling Psychology
(The European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 2019)Dear Reader, Both body image as a construct and eating disorders as diagnoses are complex and multidimensional. Therefore, their continuous research and in-depth assessment is a necessity in order to better understand ...
The Effect of Creative Movement and Improvised Game (CMIG) Intervention on the Enjoyment
(American Research Institute for Policy Development, 2015)Creative teaching is one of the most effective teaching styles. On the other hand free-movement without any guidelines, has been misinterpreted as not usefulness and not effective. Enjoyment/ interest are the main factor ...
The Effects of a New Program (balance & reform) On Trait Anxiety and Self- esteem: a Pilot Study
(Elsevier Ltd., 2013)Balance and Reform is a program that exercise the body, soul and mind is introduced. The program has four parts in every meeting: Pilates and yoga exercises, self-awareness techniques, drama and movement exercises and a ...
The Effects of a Yoga and Mindfulness Techniques Program on the Prosocial Behavior and the Emotional Regulation of Preschool Children: A Pilot Study
(Gavin Publishers, 2017)Recent research shows the need for children to learn different ways to relax and to have emotional control in today’s society is necessary. The purpose of this present study was to research how a kids’ yoga program, enriched ...
Effects of Family Dynamics on Disordered Eating Patterns and Behaviors: Evidence from Cyprus
(The European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 2019)The current study aimed a) to examine family dynamics in Cyprus and possible influences on disordered eating patterns and behaviors, b) to assess the relationships between the quality of family dynamics and unhealthy eating ...
The effects on anxiety and quality of life of breast cancer patients following completion of the first cycle of chemotherapy
(Sage, 2017)Objectives: Breast cancer patients as part of their treatment need to undergo various forms of chemotherapy. This is considered as a burdensome experience for many patients often leading to significant levels of anxiety. ...
Einheit und Katholizität der Kirche im theologischen Dialog der Orthodoxen und der Römisch-katholischen Kirche
(Pro -Oriente Bd., 2007)Es ist bekannt, dass im theologischen Dialog zwischen der orthodoxen und der römisch-katholischen Kirche das Ziel verfolgt wurde, bei den Punkten anzusetzen, die sie einen, und davon ausgehend zu beginnen, all jene Punkte, ...
Einheit und Katholizität der Kirche im theologischen Dialog zwischen der Orthodoxen und der Römisch-katholoschen Kirche (Auf der Basis der Dokumente von München (1982), Bari (1987), Neu Valamo (1988) und Ravenna (2007)
(2009)Es ist bekannt, dass im theologischen Dialog zwischen der orthodoxen und der römisch-katholischen Kirche das Ziel verfolgt wurde, bei den Punkten anzusetzen, die sie einen, und davon ausgehend zu beginnen, all jene Punkte, ...
El reinado de Basilio II: literatura y vida cultural
(Αποστολική Διακονία της εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος, 2008)El largo reinado de Basilio II (976-1025) ha sido caracterizado en et pasado como una de las épocas mas «anticulturales» de Bizancio, por la razon de gue el emperador nunca mostro un interés personal por la literarura, ...
Emotional Well-Being and Traditional Cypriot Easter Games: A Qualitative Analysis
(Frontiers in Psychology, 2021-09-24)The aim of the current study is to examine the effect of the Traditional Easter Games of Cyprus on the emotional well-being of the participants. Data were collected using a qualitative analysis. It consisted of interviews ...
Emotional Well-Being and Traditional Cypriot Easter Games: A Qualitative Analysis
(Frontiers Media, 2021-09-24)The aim of the current study is to examine the effect of the Traditional Easter Games of Cyprus on the emotional well-being of the participants. Data were collected using a qualitative analysis. It consisted of interviews ...
Emphasizing on the Neurobiological Basis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Closer Look to a Different Brain
(2020)Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is an umbrella term that describes a range of common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting approximately 1% of the population. ASD are characterized by multilateral shortages, such as ...
The enjoyment of two teaching programs (creative and non-creative one) in physical education The case of 4th and 6th grade in Greek elementary school
(Elsevier Ltd., 2010)The purpose of this study was to compare if a creative program in physical education can be more enjoyable than a regular one. The instrument that was used for enjoyment was the PACES The results showed that there was ...
Enthymesseis (memories) and semiomata (historical notices) in monastery codices
((Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Publications du programme de la Coopération entre le centre "Ivan Dujčev" de l’ Université Aristôte de Thessalonique, 2010)We will try to treat briefly a subject that seems to be quite vast. Our intention is not to exhaust either the subject or the audience of this Conference, for which we warmly thank Professor Axinia Dzurova for her kind ...
Ethnic identity, person perception and racism: a decade of changes in Cyprus
(Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 2013)Cyprus has been through many significant changes in the decade of 2000-2010. The purpose of this study was to assess differences in levels of ethnic identity, person perception and racism by comparing archived data of 2000, ...
The EU facing the new energy challenge: crevasses to its performance as a single actor?
(IACHSS 2nd international academic conference on humanities & social science, 2019-02-15)The mid-2010s brought about a considerable realignment to the global energy landscape. Since then, the shale revolution has enabled the US to pursue a netexporter status, resulting in a continuous crude exports growth into ...
Evaluation of Home Care Nursing for Elderly People in Cyprus
(2015)Background: Europe has the highest proportion of people aged 65 and older (16%). From 2000 until 2050, the world’s population aged 65 and over will be more than triple from 600 million to 2 billion. Elderly prefer to be ...
The experience of Greek-Cypriot individuals living with mental illness: preliminary results of a phenomenological study
(BioMed Central, 2016)Background: Research evidence shows that healthcare professionals do not fully comprehend the difficulty involved in problems faced by people living with severe mental illness (SMI). As a result, mental health service ...
The experience of Greek-Cypriot individuals living with mental illness: Preliminary results of a phenomenological study
(2016)Background: Research evidence shows that healthcare professionals do not fully comprehend the difficulty involved in problems faced by people living with severe mental illness (SMI). As a result, mental health service consumers ...