Browsing School of Economic Sciences and Business by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 609
Semilog Transformation
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1978)In business and economic series it is often true that a constant rate of growth prevails. This can happen with the sales of a company, GNP, consumption patterns, etc. For example, if the growth in GNP is 5% a year, it ...
Communication, a managerial myth
(1978-08)Comunication is onc of the most widely used and least understood concepts current among managerof modern corporations.
Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting: An Update and Evaluation
(International Statistical Institute (ISI), 1978-12)Forecasting has clearly become a field in its own right; its growth and change continue at a rather fast pace, as the number of published books and papers on the topic increases and as more experience about forecasting ...
Analyse comparative du secteur manufacturlier Quebec-Ontario-Canada
(1978-12)La partie II de ce rapport étudie le secteur manufacturier du Québec et le compare avec celui de l'Ontario et de l'ensemhle du Canada. Les raisons d'une comparaison entre le secteur manufacturier du Québec et celui de ...
Accuracy of Forecasting
(Blackwell, 1979)The ultimate test of any forecast is whether or not it is capable of predicting future events accurately. Planners and decision makers have a wide choice of ways to forecast, ranging from purely intuitive or judgemental ...
Automation or autonomy in organizational design.
(Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1979-04-23)Today there is growing criticism of the Input/Output (I/O) model as a conceptual tool for explaining and understanding how systems are functioning. These models have been particularly useful-mainly in engineering, where ...
CLT: An Interactive Approach for Illustrating the Central Limit Theorem
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1979-05)In classical statistics, inferences about the popula- tion mean, confidence intervals, or testing of hypoth- eses are based on the sampling distribution of X. For the statistician or the mathematically sophisticated, there ...
Ουσιώδης ο ρόλος της ιδιωτικής πρωτοβουλίας στην οικονομική ανάπτυξη της Χώρας
(Ινστιτούτον Περιφερειακής Αναπτύξεως. Παντείου Ανωτάτης Σχολής Πολιτικών Επιστημών, 1980)Η αλήθεια για τις δυνατότητές και την πραγματική κατάσταση της οικονομίας μας, ταυτίζεται με το συμφέρον του Έθνους" ετόνισε ο Πρόεδρος της Συντονιστικής Επιτροπής Προβολής Ελληνικής Οικονομίας Καθηγητής κος Σταύρος Κατράκης ...
Η ενημέρωση επάνω σε θέματα προστασίας περιβάλλοντος
(Ινστιτούτον Περιφερειακής Αναπτύξεως. Παντείου Ανωτάτης Σχολής Πολιτικών Επιστημών, 1980)Είναι γνωστό άπό πολύ παληά , ότι ύπάρχει μία στενή σχέση άνάμεσα στόν όνθρωπο (η σέ γενικώτερο έπίπεδο ώς άνθρώπινη κοινωνία) καί στό περιβάλλον, στό όποίο ζεί και κινείται και έπομένως μία άμοιβαία έπίδραση τού ένός ...
Εισαγωγή στην επιχειρησιακή έρευνα για τη λήψη επιχειρηματικών αποφάσεων. Γραμμικός προγραμματισμός I
(Αδελφοί Κυριακίδη Α.Ε., 1980)Η εισαγωγή στην επιχειρησιακή έρευνα - Γραμμικός προγραμματισμός αποτελεί μερική έκδοση των σημειώσεων των παραδόσεων μου, στο τέταρτο έτος του οικονομικού τμηματος της σχολής ΝΟΕ, στο μάθημα ''Θεωρία επιχειρηματικών ...
Inflationary Expectations And Stock-Bond Yield Differentials
(Palgrave Macmillan Journals, 1980)Global inflationary trends have for many decades eroded the purchasing power of money and have become embodied in the structure of security yields. This article explores the uses of various data formats to represent ...
The Value of Decision Making in a Complex Environment: An Experimental Approach
(The European Institute of Business Administration, Fontainebleau, France, 1981)Are the costs of time arid effort spent on analyzing decisions outweighed by benefits? This issue was examined in the context of a competitive business game where human teams were pitted against two kinds of simple-minded ...
Basic statistics : a user oriented approach (manuscript)
(1981)Table 2.1 shows the ages of the 230 students who entered INSEAD during the 1980/81 academic year. What can you make out of these numbers? Obνiously, the answer will depend upon who you are. Unless you haνe some objectiνe ...
Βασικές διατάξεις της ελληνικής νομοθεσίας περί τύπου
(Ήβος, 1981)
Forecasting accuracy and the assumption of constancy
(Elsevier, 1981)Statistical forecasting is based on the assumption of constancy, or structural ability in the data. This paper argues that such an assumption might not always be realistic in real life forecasting situations. Unfortunately, ...
If we cannot forecast how can we plan?
(Elsevier, 1981)The purpose of this article is to deal directly and explicitly with the issues and problems currently facing forecasting, planning and strategy and to discuss how the challenges of the 1980s can be realistically and ...
Forecasting and planning: an evaluation
(Management Science, 1981-02)The formal practice of forecasting and planning (F&P) has risen to prominence within a few decades and now receives considerable attention from both academics and practitioners. This paper explicitly recognizes the nature ...
The Accuracy of Extrapolation (Time Series) Methods
(Wiley, 1982)ln the last few decades many methods have become available for forecasting. As always, when alternatives exist, choices need to be made so that an appropriate forecasting method can be selected and used for the ...
Chronology of the Last Six Recessions
(Pergamon press ltd, 1982)How successful have economists and other business forecasters been in predicting recessions? This question is of considerable practical value since the level of economic activity greatly influences budgets and other plans ...
The accuracy of extrapolation (time series) methods: Results of a forecasting competition
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1982)In the last few decades many methods have become available for forecasting. As always, when alternatives exist, choices need to be made so that an appropriate forecasting method can be selected and used for the specific ...