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Now showing items 1198-1217 of 6216
To what extend is the turing test still important?
(2012)The Turing Test, originally proposed as a simple operational definition of intelligence, has now been around for more than half a century. This paper chronicles some comments on Turing's classic article from its publication ...
To νομικό πλαίσιο του αγροτουρισμού
(Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, 2015)O αγροτικός τουρισμός ή αγροτουρισμός αποτελεί μια μορφή εναλλακτικού τουρισμού που αναπτύσσεται στις αγροτικές περιοχές και συνδέεται με τη ζωή στην ύπαιθρο και το αγροτικό περιβάλλον. Είναι μια παραλλαγή του οικοτουρισμού ...
To προπατορικό αμάρτημα κατά την Ορθόδοξη παράδοση.
(2006)Η διδασκαλία για το προπατορικό αμάρτημα, όπως διαμορφώθηκε στην ορθόδοξη παράδοση από τους Έλληνες Πατέρες, διαφέρει αισθητά από την αντίστοιχη διδασκαλία των λατίνων Πατέρων και ιδιαίτερα του ιερού Αυγουστίνου. Κι’ αυτό ...
Top-down and bottom-up urban and regional planning: towards a framework for the use of planning standards
(European spatial research and policy, 2014)The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ways that the top-down and the bottom-up approaches to planning can be combined in the practice of planning standards. In the first part, the paper examines the utilization of ...
Topics and Trends Analysis in eHealth Literature
(IFMBE Proceedings, 2018)eHealth is an interdisciplinary research area that fosters application of informatics and communication technologies for the improvement of healthcare delivery. In this paper, we present an overall analysis of eHealth ...
Torsional design criteria in building codes and comparison with more accurate modeling using structural optimization tools
(4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013)It is widely accepted that seismic design philosophies do not follow the efficiency of seismic analysis methods is quite remarkable. Torsionally unbalanced structures, is a common field where any of the proposed design ...
Total Quality Management in Luxury Hotels: An Application of European Foundation Quality Management Model in Luxury Hotels in Paphos Cyprus
(Master of Business Administration, Shool of Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2014)The purpose of this research was to analyse and compare the total quality management system by the framework of European Foundational Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model of five luxury hotels in Paphos. Main objectives ...
Towards a Parallel Inference Hnchine: the APIH project
(Microprocessing and Microprogmmmlng, 1990-08)This paper gives an overview of the APIM (Aristotle Parallel Inference Machine) research project, which aims to the design of a new multiprocessor architecture for the parallel execution of logic programs. The APIM system ...
Towards Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings in Mediterranean Countries: Challenges for Real Estate Professionals from the Latest European Regulations
(Real Estate Management Program, School of Architecture, Engineering, Land and Environment, Neapolis University Pafos, 2020-07)Abstract The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU demands that all new buildings are nearly zero-energy (NZEBs) by the end of 2020, thus requiring from European countries to draw up national plans and ...
Towards Privacy by Design in Personal e-Health Systems
(SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda, 2016)Personal e-health systems are the next generation of e-health applications and their goal is to assist patientsin managing their disease and to help both patients and healthy people maintain behaviours that ...
Towards privacy in personal data management
(2009)Purpose – In order to enhance privacy protection during electronic transactions, the purpose of this paper is to propose, develop, and evaluate a personal data management framework called Polis that abides by the following ...
Towards Privacy in Personal Data Management
(Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2008-08-05)We present a personal data management framework called Polis, which abides by the following principle: Every individual has absolute control over her personal data, which reside only at her own side. Preliminary results ...
Tracing the concept of entrepreneurship and the role of an entrepreneur: A critical review
(Neapolis University Paphos, 2018)This study provides a critical examination of how different theoretical perspectives present the concept of entrepreneurship and its relative issues evident in the creation and development of some theories, trends and ...
Tracing the concept of entrepreneurship and the role of an entrepreneur: A critical review
(Research Institute for Entrepreneurship Development (RIED): Neapolis University, Pafos, 2019-02)This study provides a critical examination of how different theoretical perspectives present the concept of entrepreneurship and its relative issues evident in the creation and development of some theories, trends and ...
Trainees’ perception of vocational training institutes degree apprenticeship: An empirical approach
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the degree apprenticeship of the vocational training institutes (VTIs) enhances the labor market and enables the trainees to detect the knowledge and skills that ...
Transfer pricing in International Bank sector and its influence on economic of Cyprus
(Business Administration Program, School of Economics Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Paphos, 2014)Purpose – The thesis aims to investigate the preconditions of transfer pricing, its methodology, application and use in relation to international banking groups (IBGs), relating to transfer pricing manipulation and discuss ...
Transformational and transactional leadership enabling (disabling) knowledge acquisition of self‐managed teams: the consequences for performance
(MCB UP Ltd, 2002)Knowledge has been identified as one of the most important resources that contribute to the competitive advantage of an organisation. The problems associated with poor leadership and interpersonal skills manifest themselves ...
Transformational and transactional leadership predictors of job autonomy in self-managing teams: the consequences for performance
(United Arab Emirates University. College of Business and Economics, 2002-05)Performance is a key concern for organisations in the rapidly changing global economy. Although both leadership and the ability of employees to work in an autonomous manner are often cited as being essential for ...
Transforming obstacles into supporters in an attempt to promote inclusive education
(Allied Academies, 2020)The objective of this research is to identify the barriers that the school community faces in trying to include pupils identified as having special educational needs (SEN). We recommend the application of the “Intermediate ...
Translation and validation of the Cancer-Related Fatigue Scale in Greek in a sample of patients with advanced prostate cancer
(BMJ Publishing Group Limited, 2016)Objective: To translate and validate the Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF) Scale in the Greek language. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive design was used in order to translate and validate the CRF Scale in Greek. Factor ...