Browsing School of Economic Sciences and Business by Title
Now showing items 234-253 of 609
Narrative disclosure guidelines for CARs:an operational-based tool
(Springer Verlag, 2020-08-31)Management Commentary Index (Ma.Co.I) is a composite measuring index developed for the detailed evaluation of narrative disclosure quality, as this has been delineated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board—FASB and ...
National Culture Underpins Individual Behaviour and Work-Related-Values: The importance of nationality
(2014)This analysis is devoted to the national culture and its linkage with individual behaviour and work-related values. The authors will investigate into what extent the national culture underpins individual behaviour.
A New Approach to Statistical Forecasting
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987-06)Available approaches to statistical forecasting suffer from several deficiencies (problems) that render their predictions for real-world economic/business series inappropriate. In this paper I illustrate such deficiencies, ...
The New Economy and the Strategy of Greek Firms
(Hellenica, 2001)Greece and Greek firms are behind their counterparts in advanced countries. This paper discusses the situation of Greek firms and proposes various strategies to be able to more successfully compete in the emerging new economy.
New generation of consumers in the tourism industry: Secondary Research
(Neapolis University Paphos, 2018)Marketing communication has taken a new approach towards the consumers due to the vast transition and interaction of technology in our daily lives. After introducing the relevant factors stating the importance of mobile ...
A new methodology approach for the technical-economical evaluation of alternative waste disposal methods by use of multicriteria analysis
(2001)This study focuses on the development of a new methodology for the selection of the best solution for municipal solid wastes disposal, after evaluating all the important factors, including economical, social and environmental ...
The New SIBYL/RUNNER Interactive Forecasting Package (1978)
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1978)The SIBYL/RUNNER interactive forecasting system is a comprehensive package of time-shared computer programs that seek to handle four essential forecasting functions. The first is screening alternative forecasting techniques ...
The Next “G” On ESG: The Strategic Thinking of Businesses Towards Supply Chain Fraud
(2021)Supply Chain Management is in the core of businesses’ operational activities worldwide. Its main purpose is the proper management of resources and the assurance of the sustainable operation of the economic entities. However, ...
Non parametric VaR Techniques. Myths and Realities
(Wiley Online Library, 2003-12-03)VaR (value-at-risk) estimates are currently based on two main techniques: the variance-covariance approach or simulation. Statistical and computational problems affect the reliability of these techniques. We illustrate a ...
Nonparametric, conditional pricing of higher order multivariate contingent claims
(2008-09)This paper describes and applies a nonparametric model for pricing multivariate contingent claims. Multivariate contingent claims are contracts whose payoffs depend on the future prices of more than one underlying variable. ...
The NOPTILUS project: Autonomous Multi-AUV Navigation for Exploration of Uknown Environments ★
(IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control), 2013)Current multi-AUV systems are far from being capable of fully autonomously taking over real-life complex situation-awareness operations. As such operations require advanced reasoning and decision-making abilities, current ...
Observations comparees sur les incitations financieres au developpement regional en Grece (1982-1986)
(Presses universitaires de France, 1988-12)Les lois de développement qui ont été périodiquement mises en oeuvre en Grèce n'ont pas toujours comporté d'incitations financières. Cette absence pouvait s'expliquer de plusieurs manières, soit que l'on ait préféré alors ...
On the Legislation of Investments in Greece
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 1998)The new Government announced the five priorities of its governmental program that refer to matters of foreign affairs, defence economic and developmental policies, to the institutions and t public administration, Education, ...
On the synthesis of general systems
(Society for General Systems Research, 1971)The concept of a system has been identified in a large number of disciplines; biology, management science, economics, sociology, political science, theology, law, etc., have profited by the apparatus associated with ...
On the synthesis of general systems
(Society for General Systems Research, 1971)In Part I, we extended the work of Ashby [1,2] to develop an analytical framework for determining the relation betweén system size and system stability. It was established that, for linear dynamic systems, as the number ...
Operational elements of Narrative Disclosure Information (NDI) in a geographical context
(Springer Verlag, 2020-11)Research on the quality of narrative information of annual financial reports has long been dominated by a lack of tools that permit an objective analysis of qualitative disclosure. This study is focused on accounting ...
Operations Management
(2002)This book provides a fundamental, yet comprehensive, coverage of Operations Management. It will serve the instructional needs of business, engineering and technology students. The book not only covers the principles and ...
Optimal long-run inflation and the New Keynesian model
(Elsevier, 2012-08)Central banks typically have a long-run inflation target that is modestly positive. However, the standard New Keynesian framework prescribes that zero inflation is the optimal longrun target. In this paper, we show that ...
Parallel banking system: Opportunities and Challenges
(Scienpress Ltd, 2019)The main aim of this article is to explicitly present what the parallel banking system is and its activities. The first part of the paper focuses on how this banking system could support real economy and contribute to the ...
Phillips Curve and Optimal Long-run Inflation under Commitment
(2015-06)The Phillips curve represents the link between the business cycle and infation and constrains the actions of policymakers. In this paper, we study the optimal long-run rate of infation in the presence of a hybrid Phillips ...