Browsing School of Economic Sciences and Business by Title
Now showing items 42-61 of 609
Can recessions be predicted?
(Elsevier Ltd, 1977-04)Can recessions, or serious turning points in general, be predicted? Or do forecasters tend to assume that the future will continue as an extension of the near past. Theoretical evidence and practical observations tend to ...
Caracteres specifiques des incitations financieres au developpement regional en Grece (1982-1986)
(Armand Colin, 1987)Les lois de développement qui ont été périodiquement mises en oeu v re en Grèce n'ont pas toujours comporté d'incitations fin a ncières. Cette absence pouvait s'expliquer de plusieurs manl eres, soi t que l'on ait préféré ...
Chronology of the Last Six Recessions
(Pergamon press ltd, 1982)How successful have economists and other business forecasters been in predicting recessions? This question is of considerable practical value since the level of economic activity greatly influences budgets and other plans ...
CLT: An Interactive Approach for Illustrating the Central Limit Theorem
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1979-05)In classical statistics, inferences about the popula- tion mean, confidence intervals, or testing of hypoth- eses are based on the sampling distribution of X. For the statistician or the mathematically sophisticated, there ...
Coherent risk measures under filtered historical simulation
(Elsevier, 2005-04)Recent studies have strongly criticised conventional VaR models for not providing a coherent risk measure. Acerbi provides the intuition for an entire family of coherent measures of risk known as “spectral risk measures” ...
The Combination of Forecasts
(Wiley, 1983)Aggregating information by combining forecasts from two or more forecasting methods is an alternative to using just a single method. In this paper we provide extensive empirical results showing that combined forecasts ...
Commentary on the Makridakis Time Series Competition (M-Competition)
(1983)In 1982, the Journal of Forecasting published the results of a forecasting competition organized by Spyros Makridakis (Makridakis et al., 1982). In this, the ex ante forecast errors of 21 methods were compared for forecasts ...
Commitment policy and optimal positive long-run inflation
(2008)This paper studies different types of commitment policy in an economy where the deterministic steady state is inefficient. We show how a policy suggested by the approach of policy design entails positive long-run inflation, ...
Communication, a managerial myth
(1978-08)Comunication is onc of the most widely used and least understood concepts current among managerof modern corporations.
Communication: panacea or pain in the neck?
(1978)This article analyzes whether communication can solve all management problems. With the rapid technological developments in methods of communication, corporate managers have become more increasingly dependent on electronic ...
Computer Vision Meets Educational Robotics
(MDPI, 2021)Educational robotics has gained a lot of attention in the past few years in K-12 education. Prior studies have shown enough shreds of evidence and highlight the benefits of educational robotics as being effective in providing ...
The concept of private productive investment in the Hellenic institutional frameworks of regional development
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 1996)A definition of the concept of private productive investment in the hellenic institutional framework of regional development becomes urgent because, neither in science, nor in legislation , the term investment is always ...
Confidence intervals: An empirical investigation of the series in the M-competition
(Elsevier Ltd, 1987)This paper empirically evaluates the uncertainty of forecasts. It does so using the 1001 series of the M-Competition. The study indicates that although, in model fitting the percentage of observations outside the confidence ...
The connection between trust and knowledge management: what are its implications for team performance
(MCB UP Ltd, 2003)The latest buzzwords in organizational change and development literature are “knowledge management” and “knowledge transfer”, which proponents claim are successful ways of improving and enhancing employees’ performance. ...
Consider the principal finding: A reply to William T. Ross
(INFORMS, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1988-05)By focusang on issues concerning precise reUuive perfonnance of the human and experimental teams, Ross crtsscutes the nugor, and a priori »ir[»ising result of our study. This is that the experimental teams were not all ...
Consumers’ perceptions toward E-Service Quality, Perceived Value, Purchase and Loyalty Intentions
(Neapolis University Paphos, 2018)Purpose: Customers’ Perceptions and Attitudes are significant aspects of consumer behavior for Marketing. Such perceptions and attitudes are measured as advantages, carrying special weight for the company. Furthermore they ...
Contemporary advanced statistical methods for the science of marketing: Implicative Statistical Analysis vs Principal Components Analysis
(Neapolis University Paphos, 2018)Even though there is a substantial development and utilization of pattering methods in the science of marketing, a direct comparison of multivariate methods in group/cluster identification in the field of Consumer Behavior ...
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) for Agricultural Wastes in the Area of Central Macedonia in Greece
(2016)The present study investigates the tendency of farmers in the greater area of Central Macedonia in Greece, to participate in a program of environmental management. The aim is to determine the amount of Willingness to Pay ...
The Contingent Valuation Method in Excavation/Preservation the Ancient Eleusinian Sacred Way in Greece
(2018)The aim of this study is to estimate externalities created round a cultural heritage preservation site. A research was conducted concerning the ruins of an ancient ‘Sacred Way’ (Iera Odos) located in Attica, Greece. The ...
The contribution of organized food retail to the Greek socio-economic development during the years of economic crisis
(Virtus Interpress, 2021)The economic crisis in the EU had severe impacts not only on the performance of the domestic economy but also on the living standard for the citizens. The extended spread of this crisis resulted in limitation in the ...