Browsing Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 401
The art and science of forecasting : an assessment and future directions
(Elsevier, 1986)After several decades of important theoretical developments, practical experience gained through applications, and the findings of many empirical studies the field of forecasting is entering into a stage of maturity. The ...
Beyond the oracle
(PA International Consulting Services Ltd., 1986)The priests of Delfphi have not been alone in providing forecasts for a price. Since the dawn of civilization, a great many fortune tellers, soothsayers, wizards, augurs and astrologers have sought to fulfil the human need ...
Forecasting when pattern changes occur beyond the historical data
(1986-03)Forecasting methods currently available assume that established patterns or relationships will not change during the post-sample forecasting phase. This, however, is not a realistic assumption for business and economic ...
Caracteres specifiques des incitations financieres au developpement regional en Grece (1982-1986)
(Armand Colin, 1987)Les lois de développement qui ont été périodiquement mises en oeu v re en Grèce n'ont pas toujours comporté d'incitations fin a ncières. Cette absence pouvait s'expliquer de plusieurs manl eres, soi t que l'on ait préféré ...
Confidence intervals: An empirical investigation of the series in the M-competition
(Elsevier Ltd, 1987)This paper empirically evaluates the uncertainty of forecasts. It does so using the 1001 series of the M-Competition. The study indicates that although, in model fitting the percentage of observations outside the confidence ...
A New Approach to Statistical Forecasting
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987-06)Available approaches to statistical forecasting suffer from several deficiencies (problems) that render their predictions for real-world economic/business series inappropriate. In this paper I illustrate such deficiencies, ...
Metaforecasting: Ways of improving forecasting accuracy and usefulness
(Elsevier, 1988)Forecasting has a long history. An understanding of such history coupled with the study of the empirical evidence can provide invaluable information for improving the accuracy and usefulness of predictions. Statistical ...
Forecasting and loss fuctions
(International Journal of Forecasting, 1988)This paper considers two problems of interpreting forecasting competition error statistics. The first problem is concerned with the importance of linking the error measure (loss function) used in evaluating a forecasting ...
Leadership: demythologizing some concepts
(1988)Leadership is a topic of almost universal fascination. Popular attention focuses on it because its overtones of success, power, and prestige are traditionally admired and pursued human goals; academic interest in it is ...
The future of forecasting
(Elsevier, 1988)This paper discusses our aims in organizing this special issue. We believe that a synthesis of the field is needed to resolve the many conflicts between theory and empirical evidence and between advocates of the various ...
Consider the principal finding: A reply to William T. Ross
(INFORMS, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1988-05)By focusang on issues concerning precise reUuive perfonnance of the human and experimental teams, Ross crtsscutes the nugor, and a priori »ir[»ising result of our study. This is that the experimental teams were not all ...
Observations comparees sur les incitations financieres au developpement regional en Grece (1982-1986)
(Presses universitaires de France, 1988-12)Les lois de développement qui ont été périodiquement mises en oeuvre en Grèce n'ont pas toujours comporté d'incitations financières. Cette absence pouvait s'expliquer de plusieurs manières, soit que l'on ait préféré alors ...
Why combining works?
(Elsevier, 1989)The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons why combining works, discuss the implications involved and propose guidelines for improving the field of forecasting by exploiting the reasons that contribute to the ...
Factors affecting judgmental forecasts and confidence intervals
(Elsevier, 1989)Eighteen time series differing in their trend (three categories), randomness (three categories), and presentation on a graph (two categories) were given to 350 MBA students in a laboratory experiment. Each student was asked ...
Management in the 21st Century
(Elsevier, 1989)This paper predicts the type of business firms and managers most likely to emerge in the 21st century. The forecasts are based on rational principles which avoid the common mistakes made in the past by long-term ...
Sampling distributions of post-sample forecasting errors
(Wiley, 1989)Forecasting errors fall in two clearly different categories: (a) the residual errors from fitting a model to the available data and (b) the post-sample forecasting errors. The emphasis of statistical theory and forecasting ...
Sampling Distributions of Post-Sample Forecasting Errors
(Wiley, 1989)Forecasting errors fall in two clearly different categories: (a) the residual errors from fitting a model to the available data and (b) the post-sample forecasting errors. The emphasis of statistical theory and forecasting ...
Los determinantes de la estructura economica en los paises del mercado comun
(1989-03)La teoria economica y el sentido comun nos indican una serie de factores que pueden intervenir en la formacion de las estructuras economicas. Lo que resta, por tanto, es descubrir los que son realmente cruciales en nuestra ...
Sliding simulation: a new approach to time series forecasting
(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1990-04)This paper proposes a new approach to time series forecasting based upon three premises. First, a model is selected not by how well it fits historical data but on its ability to accurately predict out-of-sample actual data. ...
La notion d' investissement prive productif en Grece
(Association des Chercheurs Economistes, 1991)La présente note ne prétend pas à une définition générale et exhaustive de l'investissement telle qu'elle pourrait être formulée en science économique ou en analyse comptable. Elle se limite à évoquer les differentcs ...