Browsing Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 401
Abnormal stock returns of Greek banks during COVID-19: an event study
(Taylor & Francis, 2022-11-25)This paper aims to disentangle the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on four major Greek bank stocks that were traded in the Athens Stock Exchange during the period the pandemic begun. To this end we employ an event study ...
About reform of European Union's budget in a changing Europe
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2007)After invitation by Representation of the European Commission in Greece which Director is Mr. Ierotheos Papadopoulos, Mrs. Dalia GRYBAUSKAITE, Commissioner, responsible for Budget and fiscal programming visited Athens ...
Accuracy measures: theoretical and practical concerns
(Elsevier, 1993)The Notes section of the international Journal of Forecasting contains commentary on the theory and practice of forecasting in the form of communications to the journal such as research notes, teaching tips, practitioners’ ...
The Accuracy of Extrapolation (Time Series) Methods
(Wiley, 1982)ln the last few decades many methods have become available for forecasting. As always, when alternatives exist, choices need to be made so that an appropriate forecasting method can be selected and used for the ...
The accuracy of extrapolation (time series) methods: Results of a forecasting competition
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1982)In the last few decades many methods have become available for forecasting. As always, when alternatives exist, choices need to be made so that an appropriate forecasting method can be selected and used for the specific ...
Accuracy of Forecasting
(Blackwell, 1979)The ultimate test of any forecast is whether or not it is capable of predicting future events accurately. Planners and decision makers have a wide choice of ways to forecast, ranging from purely intuitive or judgemental ...
Action research: The key to inclusive education in Cyprus
(2019)The main aim of the article is to explore the role of Collaborative Action Research (CAR) in promoting inclusive education within a mainstream school in Cyprus. The preliminary data for this research were gathered using ...
Administration departementale situation presente, problemes, perspectives
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 1995)Je vous prie de croire en ma profonde emotion pour avoir l' honneur de m'adresser aujourd'hui à vous, un auditoire aux buts et fins precis, par consequent dangereux. Votre présence ici reflète évidemment les vieux, agréables, ...
The advanced forecasting information system PYTHIA: An application in real estate time series
(Emerald, 2015)Purpose – The main scope of the paper is to demonstrate the capabilities of PYTHIA forecasting platform, to compare time series forecasting techniques, which were used to forecast mortgage loans in UK, and to show how ...
Analyse comparative du secteur manufacturlier Quebec-Ontario-Canada
(1978-12)La partie II de ce rapport étudie le secteur manufacturier du Québec et le compare avec celui de l'Ontario et de l'ensemhle du Canada. Les raisons d'une comparaison entre le secteur manufacturier du Québec et celui de ...
An Analysis of the Interrelationships Among the Major World Stock Exchanges
(Wiley, 1974-06)The method of principal component is used in this paper to analyse the interrelationship among the world's major stock exchanges. The major finding is that the interrelationship is unstable over time. This finding proves ...
ARMA Models and the Box–Jenkins Methodology
(John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1997-05)The purpose of this paper is to apply the Box–Jenkins methodology to ARIMA models and determine the reasons why in empirical tests it is found that the post-sample forecasting the accuracy of such models is generally worse ...
The art and science of forecasting : an assessment and future directions
(Elsevier, 1986)After several decades of important theoretical developments, practical experience gained through applications, and the findings of many empirical studies the field of forecasting is entering into a stage of maturity. The ...
The Assessment of Compensatory Damages for Medical Error by the Greek Courts: An Economic Analysis
(Athenian Policy Forum & North Waterloo Academic Press, 2009)In this paper, after summarizing and reviewing the methods of computing damages for wrongful death or injury in the law and economics literature, we present the way in which damages should be compensated for according to ...
Asset Growth and Firm Performance Evidence from Greece
(2012)This study provides evidence drawn from publicly traded companies in Greece on the predictability of assets growth with respect to firm performance. We employ discriminant analysis and a logit specification to test our ...
Attempting to Revise the Treaty of Lausanne: Greek Foreign Policy and Italy during the Pangalos Dictatorship, 1925–1926
(Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 2014)In June 1925, General Theodoros Pangalos imposed his dictatorship on Greece. During his 14-month rule, he set as one of his basic foreign policy goals the revision of the territorial settlement imposed on Greece and Turkey ...
An Attitudinal Factorial Model Explaining the Export Attitudes of Managerial Staff
(Denver, CO : Association of Global Business, 2012)The attitudinal factorial model with positive and negative attitudes which is proposed in this study adds depth to the factorial models already existing in the literature, since it includes general export attitudes, export ...
Audit committee independence and financial expertise and earnings management: evidence from China
(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2020-12)his paper investigates the effect of the audit committee’s independence and financial expertise on financial reporting quality. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the audit committee’s independence and ...
Audit committee independence and financial expertise and earnings management: Evidence from China
(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2020-12)This paper investigates the effect of the audit committee's independence and financial expertise on financial reporting quality. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the audit committee's independence and ...
Audit Committee’s Cash Compensation and Earnings Management: The Moderating Effects of Institutional Factors
(Taylor and Francis Ltd, 2021)This paper investigates the relationship between the audit committee’s cash compensation and accrual earnings management. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms over the period 2007 to 2017, findings show a positive ...