Browsing Articles by Title
Now showing items 210-229 of 401
QFD, organisational creativity and productivity
(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2005)Purpose – This paper examines the relationship between organisational creativity, productivity and the underlying dimensions that foster quality function deployment (QFD). Methodology – A total of 359 usable questionnaires ...
QFD: the role of various leadership styles
(MCB UP Ltd, 2006)Quality function deployment (QFD) methodologies, as opposed to traditional quality approaches, are most often cited as essential for advancing the competitive advantage of an organisation. Unfortunately, little is known ...
Quality of financial reporting under IFRS and corporate governance influence: Evidence from the Greek banking sector during crisis
(2019-12)The financial system consists, without doubt, one of the most important determinants of the world national economies, which undergoes numerous changes and challenges with major impact on the economic growth prospects ...
A quantitative model of accelerated vehicle-retirement induced by subsidy
(Elsevier, 2011)A number of accelerated vehicle-retirement programs have been implemented by private companies and public agents to reduce pollution and promote environment friendly technology. Our paper examines subsidy programs for the ...
Reassessment of the OCA criteria in the Euro area: the case of Greece
(Inderscience Online, 2012)The Greek crisis should not be considered an unexpected phenomenon. On the contrary, it has been caused by, among other things, rushed political decisions, incomplete EU institutions of governance and hidden political and ...
Regional and local structures in Greece and in member-states of the European Union
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 1997)The themes' concerning Decentralization. of the Public Administration at large and of Self-Administration bear in themselves a very special meaning. Bust this meaning that they have, aquires bigger dimensions at periods, ...
Regional development and non-material public infrastructure
(Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1997)The aim of this paper is to investigate the conditions under which public investment can be allocated to the infrastructure in material and non-material capital so as to have a positive effect on regional development and ...
The Relationship Between an Online Synchronous Learning Environment and Knowledge Acquisition Skills and Traits: The Blackboard Collaborate Experience.
(Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2016)Online learning is becoming more attractive to perspective students because it offers them greater accessibility, convenience and flexibility to study at a reduced cost. While these benefits may attract prospective learners ...
The relationship between interpersonal trust, commitment, and performance in self-managing teams: the Austalian experience
(Sheffield Hallam University Press, 2003)Performance is a key concern for organisations in the rapidly changing global economy. Although both trust and the commitment of employees to work in an autonomous manner are often cited as being essential for effectiveness ...
The relationship of various leadership styles to knowledge management
(MCB UP Ltd, 2001)Behavioural and interpersonal skills most often cited as essential for successful knowledge management (acquisition). Unfortunately, little is known about the roles played by leadership in the process of knowledge acquisition. ...
The relationships between online education resources, elearning readiness and knowledge acquisition attributes
(2003-05-11)Knowledge is seen as central to process, product innovation and improvement, to executive decision making and to organisational adaptation and renewal. The problems associated with unreliable and difficult access to the ...
A Remedy Framework in the Resolution of Non-performing Loans
(Multinational Finance Society, 2021)The aim of the paper is to stimulate the discussion around the recent increase in NPLs across several industrial countries by proposing a remedy framework for the resolution of non-performing loans (NPLs). The framework ...
Reorganization οf Public Administration and Local Administration Νecessity or political choice?
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2008)Recent governmental interventions in Public Administration, (such as annulment of Ministry of Public Order and alteration to Sub Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization, annulment of General ...
Reply to comments on "Forecasting: its role and value for planning and strategy"
(Elsevier, 1996)Long-term predictions are indispensable for planning and strategy. Yet little is known about their value, their limitations or the most appropriate way of making and using them. This paper examines these issues and proposes ...
Research Note: American Initiatives for the Relief of Greek Refugees, 1922–1923
(2011)In September 1922, after more than three years of war in Asia Minor, the Greek army was defeated by the Nationalist Turkish powers led by Mustafa Kemal. The atrocities from the part of the Turkish armed forces against the ...
Reserve ratio and commercial banks portofolio behaviour in Greece, 1960-1981
(University of Pireaus, 1984)The crucial questions which center monetary analysis are : What determines the money supply? Can the Central Bank act to influence that supply? If yes, how? These questions have generated a good deal of controversy in the ...
The Role of Leadership Negotiation Power and the Management of Communication Policies
(International Strategic Management Association, EU, 2021-10)Purpose: The leaders’ communication skills, as they emerge in negotiations, contribute decisively to sustainability of business. This study identifies a set of characteristics, abilities, and skills that leaders possess ...
The role of the European Parliament in managing the international economic crisis
(Taylor and Francis Online, 2015-05-19)Economics and finance cannot be separated from the political and social system and the institutions within which they are embedded. This has been stressed by an array of approaches which attempt to disclose the role of ...
Sampling distributions of post-sample forecasting errors
(Wiley, 1989)Forecasting errors fall in two clearly different categories: (a) the residual errors from fitting a model to the available data and (b) the post-sample forecasting errors. The emphasis of statistical theory and forecasting ...
Sampling Distributions of Post-Sample Forecasting Errors
(Wiley, 1989)Forecasting errors fall in two clearly different categories: (a) the residual errors from fitting a model to the available data and (b) the post-sample forecasting errors. The emphasis of statistical theory and forecasting ...