Browsing by Title

Now showing items 765-784 of 5954

  • Land, sea, air and the cloud: the fourth border type 

    Starkey, Victoria (Master in International Relations, Strategy and Security, School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Neapolis University of Pafos, 2023-01)
    The border management of states is tasked with preserving the security of the state at its entry and exit points. Until recently, threats were mainly of physical nature, thus the state border was guarded at physical border ...

  • Landscape Design for Egnatia Highway an Infrastructure Project in Northern Greece 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Beltsou, Anna; Stathakopoulos, Ioannis (2001)
    The Egnatia Motorway was designed according to the specifications of the Trans-European road nelwork.It is a closed double carriageway motorway 680 kilometres long, with two lanes plus an emergency lane on either side ...

  • Landscape design in Athens during the preparation of the Olympic Games in 2004: project implementation & maintenance 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Kapnistou, Maria; Sarikou, S. (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 2005)
    During the Olympic Games preparation of 2004 in Athens many project applied to the urban and to the rural area of Attica County where Athens is the capital. The purpose of this study is to point out the main design concept ...

  • Landscape Design of the Peripheral Zone of the Frakto Virgin Forest (Drama-Greece) 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Eleftheriadis, N.; Mentis, N.; Manaridis, M. (1998)
    Environmental planning must involve, among other things, the regulation and control of land use. In the case of forest environments, forest use and activities such as forest recreation and so on should contain environmental ...

  • Landscape Evaluation for an Urban Park in Athens 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Serifi, Olga (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 2005)
    This paper demonstrate the current situation of the urban park (Pedio Areos) in the centre of Athens and deals with its management issues. Two major problems are the daily maintenance and safety. As it is known, parks ...

  • Landscape in Athens due to the Olympic Games in 2004 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Kapnistos, M. (2004)
    During the preparation of Olympic Games 2004 in Athens, many changes have been applied in Old Landscape e.g. parks, city squares, pedestrian roads.In addition New Landscapes have been contracted, especially around the main ...

  • Landscape Model Making: An Archetypal Design Medium Reevaluated in a Digital Age 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Vissilia, Anna-Maria (2015)
    Today landscape digital technologies have become prerequisite for all landscape educational programs, altering the ways landscape architecture design schemes look, and by extension influencing the tra¬ditional methods that ...

  • Landscape Preference Evaluation for Hospital Environmental Design 

    Anthopoulos, Petros K.; Georgi, Neratzia Julia (SciRes, 2011)
    This paper examined users’ preferences for landscape design of grounds and spaces surrounding hospitals, in order to assess how they perceived the landscape facilities so as to make future open spaces of hospitals suitable ...

  • Landscape Preference Evaluation for Therapeutical Gardens 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia (WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), 2005)
    The present paper deals with the usefulness of outdoor spaces of nursing institutions which we name "therapeutic" gardens. A therapeutic garden offers a locality where the patients and their healers might achieve the ...

  • Landscape Restoration Strategy and the reduction of Environmental Impact to the road constructions in Greek Landscapes 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Zafeiriadis, Konstandinos (2002)
    Greece has a long history of road constructions. The mountain roads represent some of the most dramatic in Europe. However most of these roads have been built with little attempt to reduce environmental impacts, reflecting ...

  • Landscaping Parking Lots 

    Georgi, Neratzia Julia; Kapnistou, Maria (WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), 2005-05)
    Parking lots typically are designed to accommodate as many automobiles as possible. The common product is an expanse of asphalt lacking vegetation that negatively affects the urban microclimate. The usual design of parking ...

  • Late fusion of compact composite descriptors for retrieval from heterogeneous image databases 

    Chatzichristofis, Savvas A.; Arampatzis, Avi (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), United States, 2010)
    Compact composite descriptors (CCDs) are global image features, capturing more than one types of information at the same time in a very compact representation. Their quality has so far been evaluated in retrieval from ...

  • Law and sexual minority rights in the EU: navigating a political minefield 

    Tryfonidou, Alina (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020)
    Few issues incite as much controversy in contemporary politics as the recognition and protection of the rights of sexual minorities. The dominance of heterosexuality as the only legitimate form of sexual orientation and ...

  • Le defi Europeen: traduit par Florence Paban 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Les éditions d'organisation, 1991)
    Encore un ouvrage sur l'ouverture européenne, me direz-vous. Ce fut notre première réaction lorsque nous avons envisagé d'écrire sur le sujet. Le marché nous sembla inondé d'ouvrages censés traiter de l'Europe unie et ...

  • “Le droit international humanitaire et ses relations avec les droits de l’Homme. Quelques considérations” 

    Perrakis, Stelios (Bruylant, 2008)
    L'examen du droit international humanitair coutumier comme reflétant de valeurs fondamentale impos forcém nt, entre autres, d'aborder la question du droit des drojts de l'Homme applicable loI' d'un conflit armé et partant ...

  • Le fonti normative secondarie nel diritto greco 

    Manitakis, Antonis (Il Mulino, 1991)
    lnrroduzione: le ongini storiche del potere regolamentare dell' Amministrazione. Una delle innovazioni più importanti introdotte dalla Costituzione del 1975 nel sistema giuridico greeo è stata la disciplina constituzionale ...

  • Le juge grec et la Cour de Strasbourg 

    Perrakis, Stelios (Bruylant, 1996)
    La Grèce, membre originaire du Conseil de l'Europe, participe depuis le début au système européen de protection des droits de l'Homme, institué par la Convention européenne des droits de l'Homme (Convention). Outre la ...

  • Le nouveau role elargi des droits de l'homme. Esquisse de quelques considerations juridico-politiques 

    Perrakis, Stelios (Bruylant, 1999)
    Les droits de l'homme, aujourd'hui, en l'année du 50" anniversaire de l'adoption de la Déclaration Universelle des droits de l'homme, se présentent sous une forme où l'acquis et la mutation coexistent, prêtant à la ...

  • Le respect de la valeur humaine comme limite et regle de jugement de l'experimentation biomedicale 

    Manitakis, Antonis (Politica de Diritto, 1992)
    La question des rapports entre l'expérimentation biomédicale et les droits de l'homme n'a pas suscité dans l'ordre juridique grec de débat particulier. La raison de cet intérêt restreint doit être recherchée d'une part, ...

  • Le régime constitutionnel de la Grèce 

    Manitakis, Antonis (1994)
    L'étude du régime politique grec-peut être guidée par trois idées clés qui constituent, simultanément, trois axes d'explication et de compréhension de la nature actuelle et de l'évolution de ce régime.