Browsing by Author "Hadjixenophontos, Andreas"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Economic Analysis of Minimizing Environmental Cost Caused by Outdoor Advertising
Kopsidas, Odysseas; Hadjixenophontos, Andreas; Anastasiou, Athanasios (David Publishing Company, 2018)The optimal consent ration Copt of pollutant advertising in the environment can be determined as an equilibrium point in the trade off between the environmental cost, due to impact on man/land/economy and the economic cost ...
Economic Analysis of the Internalization the Externalities in Environmental Goods
Kopsidas, Odysseas; Hadjixenophontos, Andreas (David Publishing, 2017)The environment is characterized as a public good. Public goods are goods that provide benefits for society as a whole or part of it, usually regardless of whether the individual people are willing to pay to have these ...
Financial system of Ukraine
Lytvynenko, Olga (Barchelor in Accounting Banking and Finance, Shcool of Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015)In recent years, in connection with the transition to a market economy there are many deep changes in the economy of Ukraine. The main changes are the elaboration due to refinement, and sometimes a change of priorities, ...
The impact of external shocks on the performance and valuation of big pharmaceutical companies
Kyprianou, Maria (Business Administration Program, School of Economic Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2022-01)The twenty first century was full of surprises. A deadly virus called Covid-19 has risen that threatens the humanity and plagues each corner of the world. By the occasion of this current crisis many questions were raised ...
The "MMM" and financial pyramids as a whole
Shumakov, Alexander (Barchelor in Accounting Banking and Finance, Shcool of Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2015-09)In the middle of the 90's Russia has experienced a period of massive creation of the financial pyramids. This period has become an integral part of the story of Russia in transition period. Nevertheless, the Russian financial ...
Shadow banking as a veritable platform for macroeconomic stability and economic growth in Nigeria
Ogbonnaya, Charis Adaugo (Accounting Banking and Finance Program, School of Economic Sciences and Business, Neapolis University Pafos, 2022-01)This study intended to investigate the role of ‘Shadow Banking as a Veritable Platform for Macroeconomic Stability and Economic Growth in Nigeria’. To serve the purpose, the research objectives were so structured emphasising ...
An Unobserved Components Model Approach to the Relationship between Real GDP and Unemployment for Cyprus
Volos, Christos; Hadjixenophontos, Andreas (2015)This empirical study employs a bivariate unobserved components model to estimate the permanent and transitory movements in real GDP and the unemployment rate and the relationships between them, using information from ...
Η Αναγκαστική Απαλλοτρίωση και οι Στρεβλώσεις που Δημιουργεί στην Άριστη Κατανομή των Οικονομικών Πόρων : Η Εσωτερίκευση των Εξωτερικοτήτων στη Γενική Ισορροπία
Kopsidas, Odysseas; Hadjixenophontos, Andreas (2018)Το κατά Pareto κριτήριο (ή κατά Pareto βέλτιστο) είναι εκείνο κατά το οποίο, μία μεταβολή στην τιμή ή στην ποσότητα βελτιώνει τη θέση κάποιου χωρίς όμως παράλληλα να χειροτερεύει τη θέση κάποιου άλλου. Το Σύνταγμα της ...
Κοινωνικοοικονομική Εκτίμηση της Επιβάρυνσης του Περιβάλλοντος από Ηχορύπανση με την Μέθοδο WTP
Kopsidas, Odysseas; Hadjixenophontos, Andreas (2016)Ο σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας στo πλαίσιο της Οικονομικής τηςΕυημερίας είναι να εκμαιεύσει τα οφέλη της αποκατάστασης τηςηχορύπανσης και να εκφράσει αυτά τα άυλα οφέλη σε νομισματικέςμονάδες με τη χρήση μιας ...