Browsing Book chapters by Title

Now showing items 1-20 of 26

  • Basic statistics : a user oriented approach (manuscript) 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Winkler, Robert L. (1981)
    Table 2.1 shows the ages of the 230 students who entered INSEAD during the 1980/81 academic year. What can you make out of these numbers? Obνiously, the answer will depend upon who you are. Unless you haνe some objectiνe ...

  • e-Marketing in the Hotel Industry: Marketing Mix Strategies 

    Siakalli, Michailina; Masouras, Andreas; Papademetriou, Christos (Springer International Publishing, 2016-09-27)
    Does the hotel industry fully exploit the e-marketing capabilities? The purpose of this study is to investigate the Internet marketing strategies and practices that are used in the hotel industry. Namely, it examines the ...

  • The European Economy: basic trends and challenges: 1999-2001 

    Vliamos, Spyros (University of Thessaly. Department of Planning and Regional Development, 1999)

  • Forecasting: Methods and Applications 

    Makridakis, Spyros (John Wiley and Sons, 2002)
    This book covers what the authors call the “full range of major forecasting methods.” These comprise of the traditional time series methods of decomposition, exponential smoothing, simple and multiple linear regression and ...

  • Fourth Industrial Revolution: Opportunities, Challenges, and Proposed Policies 

    Zervoudi, Evanthia K. (IntechOpen, 2020-01)
    In this paper, key elements about the Fourth Industrial Revolution are set under examination. Concerns, challenges, and opportunities related to the Industry 4.0 are analyzed, and specific policies to deal with the challenges ...

  • Greek Diplomacy towards Fascist Italy, 1922-1940 

    Klapsis, Antonis (2013)
    Greek foreign policy during the Interwar period was heavily affected by the legacy of the Asia Minor Disaster. After the signing of the Peace Treaty of Lausanne (24 July 1923), Greece’s strategic aims focused on ...

  • Intergovernmentalism and the New Framework of EMU Governance 

    Maris, Georgios; Sklias, Pantelis (Hart Publishing, 2015-08)
    What is the form of government of the EU? And, how is the institutional governance of the Eurozone evolving? These questions have become pressing during the last years. On the one hand, the Euro-crisis and the legal and ...

  • Intergovernmentalism and the New Framework of EMU Governance 

    Maris, Georgios; Sklias, Pantelis (Hart Publishing, 2015)
    What is the form of government of the European Union (EU)? And how is the institutional governance of the Eurozone evolving? These questions have become pressing during the last few years. On the one hand, the Euro-crisis ...

  • A Meta-Analysis on Export Promotion Programs: New Outcomes 

    Coudounaris, Dafnis N. (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
    Since the economic crisis of 2008 the situation in Europe has worsen, leading small export companies to close down due to the depression, while governments cut their budgets. As a result, export promotion programs (EPPs) ...

  • Multiple regression: chapter 9 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Wheelright, Steven (Wiley, John & Sons, 1989)
    In Chapter 8 simple regression and correlation were introduced and discussed. In simple regression the basic proposition is that an independent variable can be used to predict the value of some dependent variable (the ...

  • Profitability of Technical Trading Rules in an Emerging Market 

    Kenourgios, Dimitris; Papathanasiou, Spyros (McGraw Hill, 2010)
    This paper investigates the profitability of technical trading rules in the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE), utilizing the FTSE/ASE-20 index over the period 1995- 2008. We focus on a less developed and efficient stock market, ...

  • The Quest for Enosis: The visit of the Greek Cypriot Deputation to London in October–November 1929. A view from the Greek archives 

    Klapsis, Antonis (Harrassowitz Verlag, 2008)
    The signature of the Lausanne Peace Treaty ?n 24 July 1923 marked the beginning of a new period in the history of the Cyprus Question, at least from a legal point of view, as Turkey officially recognized the annexation of ...

  • The role of the European Parliament in managing the international economic crisis 

    Manoli, Panagiota; Maris, Georgios (Routledge, 2015)
    This book analyses the role of the European Parliament as an international actor and presents a new debate about its role outside the EU territory. It explores different policy areas including human rights, international ...

  • Semilog Transformation 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Wheelright, Steven (John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1978)
    In business and economic series it is often true that a constant rate of growth prevails. This can happen with the sales of a company, GNP, consumption patterns, etc. For example, if the growth in GNP is 5% a year, it ...

  • Simple regression methods: chapter 8 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Wheelright, Steven (Wiley, John & Sons, 1989)
    In the preceding three chapters, several major classes of time-series forecasting methods were examined---exponential smoothing, decomposition, autoregressive/moving average, and filters. Various models within each ...

  • Αποκέντρωση 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Ακαδημία Αθηνών. Επιτροπη Ερευνών, 1998)
    Τα συστήματα διοικητικής οργάνωσης του Κράτους είναι, ως γνωστόν, πολλά και ποικίλα, όλα όμως έχουν ένα κοινό γνώρισμα ότι δηλαδή κανένα τους δεν εφαρμόζεται κατά τρόπο απόλυτο, δεδομένου, ότι σε κάθε σύστημα υπάρχουν ...

  • Επιχειρηματική κινητικότητα: μεθοδολογικός ατομισμός και επιχειρηματική εκπαίδευση 

    Vliamos, Spyros (Σάκκουλας, 2012)
    Στο παρόν κείμενο αναπτύσσεται ένας προβληματισμός σχετικά με την κινητικότητα του ατόμου προς την επιχειρηματική προσπάΘεια. Η κινητικότητα αυτής της έκφρασης της ανθρώπινης συμπεριφοράς προσεγγίζεται μέσα από τον μεθοδολ ...

  • Η έννοια της ειδικής ιδιωτικής παραγωγικής επένδυσης 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών, 2012)
    Η οριοθέτηση της έννοιας της επενδυσης είτε αυτή είναι "δημόσια" είτε "ιδιωτική" (παραγωγική) είναι πολλαπλώς επιτακτική και όχι μόνον διότι ο Έλλην Κυνικός Φιλόσοφος Αντισθένης διετύπωσε την άποψη, ότι "αρχή σοφίας ονομάτων ...

  • Η ένταξη στο Μηχανισμό Στήριξης 

    Sklias, Pantelis; Maris, Georgios (Εκδόσεις Λιβάνη, 2014-09-09)
    Η επιλογή του Μνημονίου είχε καταστεί σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό αναπόφευκτη, εφόσον αμέσως μετά τις εκλογές του 2009 η ακολουθούμενη οικονομική πολιτική είχε ως συνέπεια την αποδυνάμωση της διαπραγματευτικής θέσης της χώρας. ...

  • Η κωδικοποίηση της διοικητικής νομοθεσίας 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Ακαδημία Αθηνών. Επιτροπη Ερευνών, 1998)
    Κωδικοποίηση ως γνωστόν είναι η συγκέντρωση σε ένα ενιαίο κείμενο (σώμα) νομοθετικών κειμένων διατάξεων και όρων συνθηκών που αναφέρονται στο αυτό θέμα. Κατ' άλλη διατύπωση, η κωδικοποίηση αποτελεί συστηματική εργασία ...