Articles: Recent submissions

Now showing items 341-360 of 400

  • Forecasting: Issues & Challenges for Marketing Management 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Wheelwright, Steven C. (American Marketing Association, 1977-10)
    Forecasting plays an important role in every major functional area of business management. In the area of marketing however, forecasting is doubly important; not only does it have a central role in marketing itself, but ...

  • Confidence intervals: An empirical investigation of the series in the M-competition 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Hibon, Michael; Lusk, Ed; Belhadjali, Moncef (Elsevier Ltd, 1987)
    This paper empirically evaluates the uncertainty of forecasts. It does so using the 1001 series of the M-Competition. The study indicates that although, in model fitting the percentage of observations outside the confidence ...

  • Factors Affecting Success in Business: Management Theories/ Tools Versus Predicting Changes 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Pergamon, 1996)
    Management theories and tools, like the fashion industry have their moment of glory and die. Very few survive and, in some cases, their passing leaves extensive corporate damage in their wake. Spyros Makridakis reviews the ...

  • Factors affecting judgmental forecasts and confidence intervals 

    Lawrence, Michael; Makridakis, Spyros (Elsevier, 1989)
    Eighteen time series differing in their trend (three categories), randomness (three categories), and presentation on a graph (two categories) were given to 350 MBA students in a laboratory experiment. Each student was asked ...

  • CLT: An Interactive Approach for Illustrating the Central Limit Theorem 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1979-05)
    In classical statistics, inferences about the popula- tion mean, confidence intervals, or testing of hypoth- eses are based on the sampling distribution of X. For the statistician or the mathematically sophisticated, there ...

  • Can recessions be predicted? 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Bernand, Majani (Elsevier Ltd, 1977-04)
    Can recessions, or serious turning points in general, be predicted? Or do forecasters tend to assume that the future will continue as an extension of the near past. Theoretical evidence and practical observations tend to ...

  • Living in a world of low levels of predictability 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Taleb, Nassim (Elsevier, 2009)
    This conclusion aims to summarize the major issues surrounding forecasting, as well as the extensive empirical evidence proving our inability to accurately predict the future. In addition, it discusses our resistance to ...

  • Averages of Forecasts: Some Empirical Results 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Informs, 1983-09)
    An altemative to using a single forecasting method is to average the forecasts obtained from several methods. In this paper we investigate empirically the impact of the number and choice of forecasting methods on the ...

  • Automation or autonomy in organizational design. 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1979-04-23)
    Today there is growing criticism of the Input/Output (I/O) model as a conceptual tool for explaining and understanding how systems are functioning. These models have been particularly useful-mainly in engineering, where ...

  • The second law of systems 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1977)
    This paper asserts that the Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT) despite holding true in all laboratory tests heretofore conducted, cannot, by itself, explain the hierarchical universe. By examination of the existing evidence, ...

  • Sampling Distributions of Post-Sample Forecasting Errors 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Winkler, Robert L. (Wiley, 1989)
    Forecasting errors fall in two clearly different categories: (a) the residual errors from fitting a model to the available data and (b) the post-sample forecasting errors. The emphasis of statistical theory and forecasting ...

  • Metaforecasting: Ways of improving forecasting accuracy and usefulness 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Elsevier, 1988)
    Forecasting has a long history. An understanding of such history coupled with the study of the empirical evidence can provide invaluable information for improving the accuracy and usefulness of predictions. Statistical ...

  • The M3-Competition: results, conclusions and implications 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Hibon, Michele (Elsevier, 2000)
    This paper describes the M3-Competition, the latest of the M-Competitions. It explains the reasons for conducting the competition and summarizes its results and conclusions. In addition, the paper compares such results / ...

  • The Accuracy of Extrapolation (Time Series) Methods 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Andersen, A.; Carbone, Robert; Fildes, R.; Hibon, M.; Lewandowski, R.; Newton, J.; Parzen, E.; Winkler, R. (Wiley, 1982)
    ln the last few decades many methods have become available for forecasting. As always, when alternatives exist, choices need to be made so that an appropriate forecasting method can be selected and used for the ...

  • Judgment: Its Role and Value for Strategy 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Gaba, Anil (INSEAD, 1998)
    Chess is an intellectually demanding game played by millions of people around the world. Yet unlike tennis or other competitive sports there are few changes in the rankings of chess players. There have only been twelve ...

  • Exponential smoothing: The effect of initial values and loss functions on post-sample forecasting accuracy 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Elsevier Ltd, 1991-11)
    This paper describes an empirical investigation aimed at measuring the effect of different initial values and loss functions (both symmetric and asymmetric) on the post-sample forecasting accuracy. The 1001 series of the ...

  • Management in the 21st Century 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Elsevier, 1989)
    This paper predicts the type of business firms and managers most likely to emerge in the 21st century. The forecasts are based on rational principles which avoid the common mistakes made in the past by long-term ...

  • Integrating Forecasting and Planning 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Wheelwright, Steven (Elsevier, 1973-09)
    Specialization inhibits or prohibits interdisciplinary communication among diverse areas. It contributes to segmentation, which becomes a serious problem when several of those areas should depend upon knowledge which exists ...

  • The M2-competition: A real-time judgmentally based forecasting study 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Chatfield, Chris; Hibon, Michele; Lawrence, Michael; Mills, Terence; Ord, Keith; Simmons, LeRoy F. (Elsevier, 1993)
    The purpose of the M2-Competition is to determine the post sample accuracy of various forecasting methods. It is an empirical study organized in such a way as to avoid the major criticism of the M-Competition that forecasters ...

  • The Impact of Empirical Accuracy Studies On Time Series Analysis and Forecasting 

    Fildes, Robert; Makridakis, Spyros (International Statistical Institute (ISI), 1995-12)
    This paper examines a major area of statistics: the application of time series analysis to forecasting, particularly as it applies to the areas of business and economics. This area is unusual in the social sciences in that ...