Browsing Articles by Title
Now showing items 20-39 of 73
The impact of park trees on microclimate in urban areas
(Springer Verlag, 2006)Trees in cities have an important positive effect on people’s lives. One such positive effect is the amelioration of microclimate. The aim of this research is to assess the correlation between parameters that affect the ...
An interdisciplinary study on indicators: A comparative review ofquality-of-life, macroeconomic, environmental, welfare andsustainability indicators
(Elsevier, 2013-06-10)It is generally recognised that indicator-based research forms a substantial part both of the everyday practice and of the current theoretical pursuits in an extensive set of different scientific fields that relate to the ...
The Intuitive Bioclimatism and Embedded Sustainability of Cypriot Vernacular Farmhouses, as Principles for their Strategic Restoration and Reuse.
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2019)This research aims to investigate the bioclimatic design, sustainability and environmental behaviour of Cypriot vernacular farmhouses, as part of small-scale family-owned farmsteads. These farmhouses, located in village ...
Irrigation of infrastructure projects of Egnatia Motorway: Implementation study of irrigation network of K4 Interchange
(Elsevier, 2015)The large construction projects cause inevitable negative impact on the natural landscape of the exposed areas. Among these is the creation of disturbed surfaces with unsuitable soil material and gradients that imply ...
Landscape design in Athens during the preparation of the Olympic Games in 2004: project implementation & maintenance
(World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 2005)During the Olympic Games preparation of 2004 in Athens many project applied to the urban and to the rural area of Attica County where Athens is the capital. The purpose of this study is to point out the main design concept ...
Landscape Evaluation for an Urban Park in Athens
(World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 2005)This paper demonstrate the current situation of the urban park (Pedio Areos) in the centre of Athens and deals with its management issues. Two major problems are the daily maintenance and safety. As it is known, parks ...
Landscape Preference Evaluation for Hospital Environmental Design
(SciRes, 2011)This paper examined users’ preferences for landscape design of grounds and spaces surrounding hospitals, in order to assess how they perceived the landscape facilities so as to make future open spaces of hospitals suitable ...
Landscape Preference Evaluation for Therapeutical Gardens
(WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), 2005)The present paper deals with the usefulness of outdoor spaces of nursing institutions which we name "therapeutic" gardens. A therapeutic garden offers a locality where the patients and their healers might achieve the ...
Landscaping Parking Lots
(WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), 2005-05)Parking lots typically are designed to accommodate as many automobiles as possible. The common product is an expanse of asphalt lacking vegetation that negatively affects the urban microclimate. The usual design of parking ...
Like a Rolling Stone
(Άνδρεας Χατζηθωμάς, 2019-07)Τον Buster Keaton (Οκτώμβριος 1895 - Φεβρουάριος 1966) ηθοποιό και σκηνοθέτη του βωβού κινηματογράφου, διέκρινε ένα βασικό γνώρισμα. Σε όλες τις ταινίες του, ανεξάρτητα απο την θεματολογία ή την πλοκή, η έκφραση του προσώπου ...
Liquid Waste Management Practises for Addressing Salinity Problems When Irrigating Urban Green Areas-Guidelines for Landascaping
(WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), 2005)The use for scheduling irrigations and for determining water allotments for landscapes is being adopted by water purveyors, agencies, landscape architects, and maintenance personnel. The needs of the dry and hot areas of ...
Literature Review
(Shock and Vibration Information Center, 1989)This paper forms a literature survey on lumped and distributed parameter, linear, viscously damped, dynamic systems, possessing non-classical modes.
Nature of coupling in nonconservative lumped parameter systems
(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astrnautics, 1989)Although the response of undamped or at least proportionally damped linear systems can be determined easily by modal analysis, the prediction of the response of nonproportionally damped linear systems requires either more ...
Noise and Vibration study for the Hellenic Navy Offshore Patrol Vessels
(1991)Prelemenary free hull girder vibration study of offshore patrol vessel of Hellenic Navy
Optimum Design Approaches for Improving the Seismic Performance of 3D RC Buildings
(Taylor & Francis, 2009-03-28)In this article, a number of design approaches for 3D reinforced concrete (RC) buildings are formulated in the framework of structural optimization problems and are assessed in terms of their performance under earthquake ...
A proposal of a mass appraisal system in Greece with CAMA system. Evaluating GWR and MRA techniques. The case study of Thessaloniki Municipality.
(Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation, 2015)As stated on Dimopoulos et al (2014) property tax in Greece is levied since 1985 not on Market Values but on the “objective value” of the properties as it is defined by the Ministry of Economics. It forms a non-flexible ...
Public Space as Landscape Experience of Happiness: A Surprise Public Garden amidst Water and Large Blocks of Woodland
(INU Editioni, 2015)Urban public space is not a phenomenon of the twenty first century. It originated with the public parks of the mid-nineteenth century which were a considerable part of the urban fabric (Chadwick, 1966). Urban parks and ...
Public Space as Landscape Experience of Happiness: A Surprise Public Garden amidst Water and Large Blocks of Wooldland
(INU Editioni, 2015)The suggested ecological concept of urban green space is a series of gardens by the water edge connected through a network of footpaths with large blocks of woodland, creating therefore a natural framework at the city's ...
Ratio of Torsion (ROT): An index for assessing the global induced torsion in plan irregular buildings
(TECHNO-PRESS, 2015-01-15)Due to earthquakes, many structures suffered extensive damages that were attributed to the torsional effect caused by mass, stiffness or strength eccentricity. Due to this type of asymmetry torsional moments are generated ...
The rehabilitation of intertropical and semitropical plants in special microclimatic mediterranean conditions: the case of Nauplio town, Greece
(WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), 2005)Palms is one of the most important plant families, with great contribution to human aesthetic and use. Planted in groups, combined with other plants, or separately, their elegant form is impressive and imposes to the ...