Articles: Recent submissions

Now showing items 261-280 of 400

  • Τοις εντευξομένοις ή σχέσεις Εθνικών Διοικήσεων και Οργάνων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2015)

  • Forecasting and Uncertainty: A Survey 

    Makridakis, Spyros; Bakas, Nikolas (2014)
    The origins of forecasting can be traced back to the beginning of human civilization with attempts to predict the weather, although forecasting as a field first appeared in the 1940s and attracted more followers from the ...

  • Τοις εντευξομένοις ή επιβεβλημένες νέες διαρθρωτικές αλλαγές 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2014)
    Στερούμενη πλέον η Ελλάς, του "κέρατος της Αμαλθείας", της μυθολογικής αιγός και ως εκ τούτου μη δυναμένη θηλάζουσα εξ αυτού, ως άλλος ΖΕΥΣ, να αποκτήσει ό,τι επιθυμεί σήμερα υπό δεινή συγκυρία, (Πολιτική, Οικονομική, ...

  • Τοις εντευξομένοις ή Περί υποχρεώσεων της Ελληνικής Δημόσιας Διοίκησης έναντι του Δικαίου και των Οργάνων της Ε.Ε 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2013)
    Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει ασχοληθεί κατ' επανάληψη και με το θέμα των Εθνικών Δημοσίων Διοικήσεων επί σκοπώ μέσω του κατά το δυνατόν εκσυγχρονισμού τους, αυτές να οδηγηθούν σε συγκλίνουσες διοικητικές ρυθμίσεις, τείνουσες σε ...

  • Τοις εντευξομένοις ή Περί προσέλκυσης άμεσων ξένων ιδιωτικών επενδύσεων 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2013)
    Η τρέχουσα δεθνής και εθνική οικονομική συγκυρία "επανέφερε" κατά τρόπο έντονο στο προσκήνιο το θέμα της προσέλκυσης άμεσων ξένων ιδιωτικών επενδύσεων, δεδομένου ότι αυτές θεωρούνται πολύτιμο "εργαλείο" για την παραγωγή ...

  • Beyond the oracle 

    Makridakis, Spyros (PA International Consulting Services Ltd., 1986)
    The priests of Delfphi have not been alone in providing forecasts for a price. Since the dawn of civilization, a great many fortune tellers, soothsayers, wizards, augurs and astrologers have sought to fulfil the human need ...

  • The New Economy and the Strategy of Greek Firms 

    Makridakis, Spyros (Hellenica, 2001)
    Greece and Greek firms are behind their counterparts in advanced countries. This paper discusses the situation of Greek firms and proposes various strategies to be able to more successfully compete in the emerging new economy.

  • The Debt Dilemma of Developing Nations: Issues and Cases 

    Tsaklanganos, Angelos (Wiley, 1985)
    In the Debt Dilemma of Developing Nations, Chris Carvounis provides an insightful overview of the external debt problems currentrly plaguing a number of developing countries. The book is neiher comprehensive in tits handling ...

  • The Impact of Perceived Community Prosperity on Job Satisfaction of Black and White Workers 

    Milutinovitch, Yugoslav; Tsaklanganos, Angelos (Academy of Management, 1976)
    Data collected from black and white workers in three organizations indicate that workers living in communities with different perceived levels of prosperity have different job satisfaction. A relatively less affluent ...

  • Inflationary Expectations And Stock-Bond Yield Differentials 

    Chen, Chuanyu E.; Tsaklanganos, Angelos (Palgrave Macmillan Journals, 1980)
    Global inflationary trends have for many decades eroded the purchasing power of money and have become embodied in the structure of security yields. This article explores the uses of various data formats to represent ...

  • Market Reaction to IAS/IFRS: Evidence from the Athens Stock Exchange 

    Maggina, Anastasia; Tsaklanganos, Angelos (2011)
    The capital market effects of IAS/IFRS have been examined in the international literature and have indicated that the effects are significant. In the contrary, evidence drawn from the Athens Stock Exchange indicates that ...

  • Communication: panacea or pain in the neck? 

    Tsaklanganos, Angelos (1978)
    This article analyzes whether communication can solve all management problems. With the rapid technological developments in methods of communication, corporate managers have become more increasingly dependent on electronic ...

  • Leadership: demythologizing some concepts 

    Tsaklanganos, Angelos (1988)
    Leadership is a topic of almost universal fascination. Popular attention focuses on it because its overtones of success, power, and prestige are traditionally admired and pursued human goals; academic interest in it is ...

  • Asset Growth and Firm Performance Evidence from Greece 

    Maggina, Anastasia; Tsaklanganos, Angelos (2012)
    This study provides evidence drawn from publicly traded companies in Greece on the predictability of assets growth with respect to firm performance. We employ discriminant analysis and a logit specification to test our ...

  • Predicting Audit Opinions Evidence From The Athens Stock Exchange 

    Maggina, Anastasia; Tsaklanganos, Angelos (Clute Institute, 2011)
    The purpose of this study is to provide evidence drawn from publicly traded companies in Greece as far as the predictability of going-concern opinions, and other business situations (problem companies, tax contingent ...

  • Management of time , a New Responsibility for Executives 

    Tsaklanganos, Angelos (Bureau of Business Research, 1971)
    In the complex business environment that exists today, executive responsibility can no longer be allocated only to the limited traditional administrative resources: manpower, money, materials, and market behavior.

  • Communication, a managerial myth 

    Tsaklanganos, Angelos (1978-08)
    Comunication is onc of the most widely used and least understood concepts current among managerof modern corporations.

  • An enquiry into the lease vs borrow decision of firms 

    Anastasiou, Thomas; Tsaklanganos, Angelos (European Scientific Institute, ESI., 2014-03)
    Greece has started to employ a new measure of financing with quite important success, especially over the last years, and this is the option of financial leasing. The measure has been decreed and put into effect quite ...

  • Predicting The Corporate Social Responsibility Of Listed Companies In Greece Using Market Variables 

    Maggina, Anastasia; Tsaklanganos, Angelos (Clute Institute, 2012)
    This study primarily investigates differences in the market variables of companies that show corporate social responsibility (CSR) compared with those that do not. We also examine whether predictions of CSR can be ...

  • Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting: An Update and Evaluation 

    Makridakis, Spyros (International Statistical Institute (ISI), 1978-12)
    Forecasting has clearly become a field in its own right; its growth and change continue at a rather fast pace, as the number of published books and papers on the topic increases and as more experience about forecasting ...