Now showing items 1-10 of 1639
A new methodology approach for the technical-economical evaluation of alternative waste disposal methods by use of multicriteria analysis
This study focuses on the development of a new methodology for the selection of the best solution for municipal solid wastes disposal, after evaluating all the important factors, including economical, social and environmental ...
Estimating the Joint Tail Risk Under the Filtered Historical Simulation. An Application to the CCP's Default and Waterfall Fund
(Geneva :Swiss Finance Institute, 2015)
To ensure that central counterparties (“CCPs”) are safe in all market conditions the European Union (EU) has adopted legislation, commonly known as the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (“EMIR”) that deal with their ...
Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Process and Firm Start-Ups: Evidence from Central Greece
(Springer, 2012)
Over the last two decades, technological changes have reformed business environment and made entrepreneurial activity as the main channel behind knowledge spillovers and knowledge creation. Therefore, the factors affecting ...
Η συνταγματική προστασία της ιδιωτικής επαγγελματικής ή άλλης ειδικής εκπαίδευσης
Το ερώτημα που μας υπεβλήθη μπορεί να διατυπωθεί ως εξής:
(α) Είναι συνταγματικά κατοχυρωμένη η δυνατότητα ίδρυσης και λειτουργίας ιδιωτικών σχολών επαγγελματικής ή άλλης ειδικής εκπαίδευσης; και (β) Δύναται ο κοινός ...
Burnout syndrome in Cypriot physiotherapists: a national survey
(BioMed Central, 2010)
BACKGROUND:Burnout in the healthcare workers is formally defined as a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by long-term involvement in situations that are emotionally demanding.
METHODS:Using a random ...
Theatricality and dramatic vocabulary in Plutarch's Moralia
Theatre and drama deserve a special place among the various influences on Plutarch, since the theatre has a double impact. Its capacity to both offer good teaching material in its substance and good literary models makes ...
Sliding simulation: a new approach to time series forecasting
(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1990-04)
This paper proposes a new approach to time series forecasting based upon three premises. First, a model is selected not by how well it fits historical data but on its ability to accurately predict out-of-sample actual data. ...
Moralia in the Lives
(Waltert de Gruyter, 2008)
One tends to look into the Moralia for examples of Plutarch’s views on poetry,
or his uses of theatrical language. There is indeed quite a big amount of
quotations from tragic poets, and Plutarch comments on them developing ...
Τοις εντευξομένοις ή Περι Εθνικής Κρίσης και κρίσης Αξιών
(Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2015)
Forecasting: Methods and Applications
(John Wiley and Sons, 2002)
This book covers what the authors call the “full range of major forecasting methods.” These comprise of the
traditional time series methods of decomposition, exponential smoothing, simple and multiple linear regression
and ...