School of Economic Sciences and Business: Recent submissions

Now showing items 161-180 of 608

  • The Role of the European Parliament in Managing Europe’s Economic Crisis 

    Manoli, Panagiota; Maris, Georgios (2015-05-19)
    Until recently, especially in financial governance issues, studies had paid little attention to the role of the European Parliament (EP), rather focusing on other institutions such as the European Council, the Commission ...

  • Εισαγωγή στη Διεθνή Πολιτική Οικονομία 

    Μανώλη, Παναγιώτα; Maris, Georgios (Ελληνικά Ακαδημαϊκά Ηλεκτρονικά Συγγράμματα και Βοηθήματα, 2015)
    Το βιβλίο απευθύνεται σε προπτυχιακούς αλλά και μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές που διδάσκονται μαθήματα Διεθνούς Πολιτικής Οικονομίας, Διεθνών Σχέσεων, Παγκόσμιας Διακυβέρνησης και επιθυμούν να εμβαθύνουν στο συγκεκριμένο γνωστικό ...

  • Η κρίση της αριστεράς και ο καπιταλισμός σήμερα 

    Maris, Georgios (Σκαϊ, 2014-08-11)
    Ευθύς εξαρχής θα πρέπει να τονίσουμε πως καπιταλισμός είναι το σύστημα παραγωγής που η εργασία γίνεται εμπόρευμα, δηλαδή πωλείται και αγοράζεται ελεύθερα στην οικονομία. Αυτή είναι η κύρια διαφορά του καπιταλισμού από όλα ...

  • Ασύμμετρη κυριαρχία και Ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση μέσα απο τους φακούς της κρίσης. 

    Maris, Georgios (New Republic, 2016)
    Σε σχέση με τις πρώτες δεκαετίες μετά τον Β’ παγκόσμιο πόλεμο ο κόσμος δεν είναι καθόλου ο ίδιος. Τεράστιες αλλαγές έχουν συντελεστεί στο διεθνές σύστημα και κατ’ επέκταση στη νέα διεθνή νομισματική και χρηματοπιστωτική ...

  • e-Marketing in the Hotel Industry: Marketing Mix Strategies 

    Siakalli, Michailina; Masouras, Andreas; Papademetriou, Christos (Springer International Publishing, 2016-09-27)
    Does the hotel industry fully exploit the e-marketing capabilities? The purpose of this study is to investigate the Internet marketing strategies and practices that are used in the hotel industry. Namely, it examines the ...

  • Τοις Εντευξομένοις ή Περί Ανεξαρτήτων Αρχών 

    Athanasopoulos, Constantinos GE. (Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης Μελετών Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, 2016)
    Οι Ανεξάρτητες (Διοικητικές) Αρχές, με τη τρέχουσα μορφή τους, ανάγουν την γένεση τους στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα (Η.Π.Α.) έκτοτε δε η σύσταση τους σε διάφορα Κράτη έχει γενικευθεί, της Ελλάδος περιλαμβανόμενης.

  • Νομισματικός Πόλεμος και Ειρήνη 

    Vliamos, Spyros; Gravas, Konstantinos (2016-10)
    Τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2010, ο τότε υπουργός Οικονομικών της Βραζιλίας, Γκουίντο Μαντέγκα, δήλωνε ότι η οικο- νομία της χώρας του βρισκόταν στη μέση ενός διεθνούς «νομισματικού πολέμου». Όπως αναφέρει ο Olivier Blanchard (2016), ...

  • Περιφερειακή-τοπική ανάπτυξη 

    Vliamos, Spyros; Magoulas, Konstantinos (Υπουργείο Εθνικής και Θρησκευμάτων, ειδική υπηρεσία διαχείρησης ΕΠΕΑΕΚ, 2008)
    Εδώ δίνονται οι βασικές έννοιες που θα διαπερνούν επαναλαμβανόμενες, το σύνολο του εγχειριδίου και καθορίζουν την προβληματική της περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης. Επίσης γίνεται η περιγραφή των μεθόδων και τρόπων μέτρησης του ...

  • Power and knowledge acquisition: the implications for team performance 

    Politis, John D. (Organizational Knowledge Learning and Capabilities Conference, OKLC, 2003)
    Knowledge has been identified as an important resource that contributes to the competitive advantage of an organisation. The problems associated with irresponsible use of power manifest itself in the loss of organisational ...

  • The role of the European Parliament in managing the international economic crisis 

    Manoli, Panagiota; Maris, Georgios (Routledge, 2015)
    This book analyses the role of the European Parliament as an international actor and presents a new debate about its role outside the EU territory. It explores different policy areas including human rights, international ...

  • Intergovernmentalism and the New Framework of EMU Governance 

    Maris, Georgios; Sklias, Pantelis (Hart Publishing, 2015)
    What is the form of government of the European Union (EU)? And how is the institutional governance of the Eurozone evolving? These questions have become pressing during the last few years. On the one hand, the Euro-crisis ...

  • Strategic Role of it Leader in International Business Process Change 

    Politis, John D.; Soliman, F. (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS, 1999)
    The purpose of radical process change (Re-Engineering), as well as the incremental business process improvement approaches (continuous improvement), is the transformation of business processes. The desire to achieve such ...

  • The Impact of Organisational Bureaucracy ori the Determinants of Knowledge Acquisition 

    Politis, John D. (ACL, Academic Conferences Ltd, 2006)
    The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate through an industry survey, the impact of organisational bureaucracy on the determinants of knowledge acquisition. The results show that a pyramidical structure has ...

  • The Impact of Leadership and Power on Perceptions of Creativity in the Workplace 

    Politis, John D. (ACL, Academic Conferences Ltd, 2006)
    The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the impact of leadership and power on perceptions of creativity in the workplace. The paper also investigates the level of prediction on perceptions of creativity ...

  • The Relationship between Self-Management Leadership Behaviour, Self-Leadership Worker Behaviour and Desirable Outcomes (i.e. Job Satisfaction, Trust, Performance, etc) 

    Politis, John D.; Crawford, John D. (Global Network, 1998)
    Self-managing teams hold a great interest for contemporary researchers and practitioners. There is an extensive literature which argues that such groups often exhibit high performance coupled with job satisfaction and ...

  • The Relationship between Self-Leadership BehaviouralFocused Strategies, Job Satisfaction and Quality Function Deployment 

    Politis, John D. (ACL, Academic Conferences Ltd, 2007)
    The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate through an industry survey, the impact of self-leadership behavioural-focused strategies and job satisfaction on the determinants of quality function deployment ...

  • Interpersonal Trust Predictor of Knowledge Acquisition in Selfmanaging Teams: The Consequences for Performance 

    Politis, John D. (MCIL Publishing, Oxford University, 2002-09)
    Although both trust and the ability of employees to work in an autonomous manner are often cited as being essential for effectiveness of self-managed teams, little is known on the effect of interpersonal hust on knowledge ...

  • The impact of interpersonal trust and power on the attributes of knowledge acquisition: What is their predictive power? 

    Politis, John D. (MCIL Publishing, Oxford University, 2003-09)
    Little is known on the combined effect of interpersonal trust and power factors on the traits and skills of knowledge acquisition. A survey of 140 first line managers was conducted to investigate the relationship between ...

  • The Impact of Transformational and Transactional Leadership on Organisational Bureaucracy 

    Politis, John D. (ACL, Academic Conferences LTD, 2005)
    The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate through an industry survey, the effect of transformational and transactional leadership on the dimensions of organisational bureaucracy. Results indicate that the ...

  • Dispersed Leadership Predictor Of Knowledge Acquisition 

    Politis, John D. (IEDC, International Economic Development Council, 2002)
    Behavioural and interpersonal skills most often cited as essential for successful knowledge acquisition. Little is known, however, about the roles played by 'dispersed leadership' in the process of knowledge acquisition. ...